大家好,自从游戏更新后,画面的刷新率急速下降 硬件配置: 处理器-5600X 显卡-AMD 7900GRE 内存-32G 分辨率-三块屏幕,合计7680×1440 选择full screen 当画质设置为auto,刷新率为40-60 当画质设置为ultra,刷新率为20-40 当画质设置为high,刷新率为20-40 当画质设置为medium,刷新率为30-70 当画质设置为low,刷新率为40-80 然而,当选择boardless window 刷新率平均提高了20 fps 现在raceroom的硬件要求有这么高了么? ams2和acc的刷新率比raceroom高很多
Something's not right, hardware requirements didn't increase after the update, the performance should be even higher than before on the same graphics settings. What you can try: - set energy performance for Raceroom to max performance in AMD drivers (if they allow to do that) - run the game in DXVK mode (you can select it in Steam) - delete graphics_options.xml in Documents\My games\SimBin\RaceRoom Racing Experience\UserData, this will revert all graphics settings to default