Samsung Hmd Odyssey VR - R3E Settings

Dieses Thema im Forum "Off Topic" wurde erstellt von HomieFFM, 18. Juni 2018.

  1. HomieFFM

    HomieFFM Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    21. Dezember 2017
    +295 / 0 / -0
    Just wanted to know if anybody has found some good VR settings for Raceroom for the Samsung Odyssey.
    For myself, I'm using a GTX 1080ti and found out its quiet hard to hit the 90FPS constantly.
    So maybe someone got some recommendations. :)

    (Also maybe some Idea to see the FPS in VR? The only way to see the FPS for me is to put the headset off and look afterwards at Afterburner.)

    (Are there gonna be some updates for the handmotions in the near future?)
  2. ndwthx1138

    ndwthx1138 Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. Dezember 2017
    +101 / 0 / -0
    Titan xp and a 6960x i7 over clocked, running a vive pro

    So should be similar to you.

    Super sampling 1.8
    Shadows low
    LOD low
    Contact shadows off
    Reflections low (a must)
    16 visible cars

    Everything else I have at it’s highest I believe.

    Sonoma and the latest Chinese track I cannot get 90fps unless I turn the environment down to low. I don’t play those tracks due to this, even with no cars on the track the performance is terrible. Spa is weird on the front straight but turning super sampling down to 1.6 does the trick.

    Asw is off, I never run at 45fps, I take the experience/hobby too seriously for that broken experience.

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