Resolved Highest quality driver settings for NVIDIA cards

Dieses Thema im Forum "Community Support" wurde erstellt von The Iron Wolf, 24. Februar 2016.

  1. Paradox Agi

    Paradox Agi Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. Dezember 2015
    +31 / 0 / -0
    Try to add Sparse Grid Supersampling Transparency to the ingame MSAA and disable the ingame FXAA. The result should be a sharper, cleaner picture with almost no shadow flickering.
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  2. Blanes

    Blanes Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Februar 2016
    +189 / 0 / -0
    Actually I just did some tests and tried exactly that Paradox, result was huge drop in fps. But I think the pic quality I get with 8xmsaa + fxaa at 4K resolution is very good anyway and I keep my 60fps. I tried 4xmsaa in game plus 4xsgssaa and it also cause big frame rate dips. It must be because of the higher 4K resolution.

    I added adaptive vsync plus Triple buffer just to see if I could detect a difference from plain vsync & no buffer ... but I must be dim witted or something because I could not see any difference. Will leave it on anyway I guess.
  3. Paradox Agi

    Paradox Agi Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. Dezember 2015
    +31 / 0 / -0
    Yes... that might be the 4k resolution causing the fps drops using my settings. In 1080p this was the only setting providing any kind of visual improvement over the ingame max of 8x MSAA and FXAA. But, as this improvement was not that heavy, I reverted it back to the ingame settings for saving energy. Using DSR did not result in anything else than lower fps when using MSAA, so I do not use DSR as the MSAA and FXAA gives me a better visual experience than the performance heavy DSR. :)
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  4. Fleskebacon

    Fleskebacon Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    16. Februar 2015
    +258 / 0 / -0
    Couldn't see anyone mentioning MFAA? I run a GTX 970 and have been playing around with different AA settings to get the best out of it. I was unsure if enabling MFAA in the driver actually did anything at all, but I'm pretty sure it does - it significantly improves image quality.

    DSR really does nothing for me, except for giving me shitty fps. SGSSAA looks good, but I'm not able to get enough fps when using it. I can't remember if transparency supersampling really did anything at all.

    I'm running 8x MSAA and disabled FXAA from the ingame menu, and enabled MFAA in the Nvidia control panel, and I generally get 100+ fps with almost everything maxed out. Aboslutely no dips below 60 fps, as that would kill me. Looks good enough even if I switch to 4x MSAA in game, which gives me even more fps if needed. I still have some shadow flicker, though.

    Anyone else have any experience or opinions on MFAA?
  5. Rik Fast

    Rik Fast Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +120 / 0 / -0
    I have tested the lag difference between my 144Hz asus monitor and my budget LG 42" 60Hz TV. The real and measurable lag difference with a very high speed camera was about 35ms. I race on the TV and the lag is not noticable, personally i think that car speed makes a difference though where high speed cars have a smaller window of "reaction" time. The average human "lag" is about 200ms, you can test your own here:

    This test can also be used to test your TV against your monitor. Do 5 to 10 reaction test on the monitor, then later (after a pause) do 5-10 reaction test on a TV. The average difference is approximately the lag of your TV.
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  6. Fleskebacon

    Fleskebacon Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    16. Februar 2015
    +258 / 0 / -0
    I like this. There are so many feelings and opinions going on about input lag, but as you very nicely point out here - input lag is real and measurable. It's not some abstract thing that someone sees and others don't.

    And as someone else has pointed out - everybody can adapt to perceptual changes, and how much each person cares about 35 ms input lag is for them to decide, as is how this affects their game.
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  7. Blanes

    Blanes Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Februar 2016
    +189 / 0 / -0
    I agree with you except to the point that, I do not see or perceive it and so, like few others, it does not affect nor bother me at all. Also, you cannot underestimate the power of the human brain to apply its own corrections at a subliminal level which modifies or diminishes the physically measureable lag spoken of. Yes - it is an objective & quantifiable phenomenon, but subjectively the affects vary and can not be pre determined in every instance. It is an interesting topic though :cool:
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  8. Rik Fast

    Rik Fast Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +120 / 0 / -0
    We anticipate, even if we don't know it. And for running the track we can adjust to slightly different optimal steering input, reactions to others will be "slightly" lagging though (delayed seeing with on top human reaction time).

    I'm not an optimal driver by any means, so it matters me not. The gain in me is tons more then the gain in solving the hardware lagging :D
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  9. Balrog

    Balrog Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    10. April 2015
    +466 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for the info, but I have a weird issue with this. I was experiencing performance problems during recording my races in R3E and AMS so I was playing around with my game and recorder settings and eventually I found this thread and wanted to try these settings out. After modifying the options in the game and in the NVIDIA Control Panel profile (and double-checking every option) based on your suggestions I can definitely see that the menu UI has become "smoother", but when I load an actual track, the game looks like with AA disabled:

    But I was playing with Automobilista's profile settings right before that (and following the instructions in Reiza's manual) and everything worked fine there, so could somebody please tell me what am I doing wrong?
  10. Sascha Reynders

    Sascha Reynders Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. Februar 2016
    +109 / 0 / -0
    Hi, see post #34 and following in this thread: it seems Paradox Agi is right when he says that R3E ignores any NVidia Inspector AA Setting as long as in game the MSAA is set to off...unfortunately o_O I am now using 4xMSAA in-game and leave all anti-alisasing settings in NVInspector at default driver settings, in the heat of the action of a race I don't notice the difference anyway. Using these AA settings has allowed me to bump shadows up to "high", shadow split to "on" and motion blur quality to "high" without fps loss. And I went back to 1920x1080 'cos I switched to a 40" TV screen, and 1920x1080 just seems to work better on that screen than using DSR for higher resolutions (and everytime I was leaving the game running at 2560x1440 for instance, it was messing up my desktop layout as that was always at 1920x1080).

    By the way: Triple buffering and Negative LOD bias settings don't do anything anymore in current Nvidia drivers either, so I set Triple Buffering to "off" (I use D3DOverrider now to force it "on" in DirectX applications) and Negative LOD bias to "allow".

    EDIT: I'm using 8xMSAA in-game actually, not 4x
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 19. April 2016
  11. Balrog

    Balrog Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    10. April 2015
    +466 / 0 / -0
    Ah, thanks, I missed that somehow.:)
  12. Metalogic

    Metalogic Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    2. März 2016
    +234 / 0 / -0
    @The Iron Wolf - do you have a screen shot of your "final" settings in Nvidia Profile Inspector, as I'm not entirely sure what you're final chosen setup was. Also what are your graphical settings in the game itself? I have an Nvidia 970M GPU with 3GB vRAM, which is not quite as powerful as a desktop GTX 970, but not that far off, I'm not sure how it compares to a GTX 780Ti , though - the 700 series is older, but am aware the *80Ti models are high-end. Thanks
  13. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. März 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    Hi Metalogic,

    Roughly my settings are everything maxed out at 1080p, except that I do not use motion blur and split shadows number is at default. I do not use FXAA. I do not use DSR in nVidia CP. This setup is for single display, for someone with three screens will be completely different story.

    The nVidia Inspector settings I settled at are shown in post #14 of this thread. This is not perfect. SGSSAA while smooths picture out, is very demanding and adds some blurriness. (after all SGSSAA started as a bug in nVidia drivers :) which people liked) But the main drawback, is "shimmering" of bushes and trees. You can see that effect in Zandvoort very clearly, for example. However, this is best I could get with R3E. In my post #22 I listed settings that: 1) fix shimmer in bushes/trees 2) give crisper image 3) are less demanding on GPU. But, the problem is that those settings are introducing shadow flicker. Since I am less likely to notice trees shimmering compared to shadows appearing/disappearing from/into parallel worlds, I settled on settings described in post #14 of this thread.

    My goal performance is 45-60FPS, hence I can use those settings. I do not know why, but all ISI based titles look best to me with SGSSAA: GTR2/Race07/rF2/R3E. Another hint, is that since rF2 is so horrendously optimized, I dropped to 4xMSAA + 4xSGSSAA there, and found that loss in quality was not huge, but FPS went up to steady 50-60. You might consider trying 4x in R3E as well.

    Most importantly don't forget - this is individual. Since hardware is different and we all are different, unfortunately there's no one size fits all.

    A very rough idea of how certain GPU compares to others . Yet again, ISI based titles for some reason do not like AMD cards in my opinion, so it is down to individual games.

    If it will help, I could post in game graphics settings, so let me know, though it will take couple of days to get to game. Hope this helps, and let me know what you settled on.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 19. April 2016
  14. Metalogic

    Metalogic Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    2. März 2016
    +234 / 0 / -0
    Thanks, that's all useful to know. A post of in-game graphics settings would be useful, when you're in a position to be able to do this.

    I am using a single screen at 1080p and can't see that changing for some time, though I may get an external 1080p display soon

    BTW looking at that comparison tool, looks like your GTX 780 Ti is quite a bit more capable than my GTX 970M, though I guess that's not hugely suprising:[]=2981&cmp[]=2717
  15. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. März 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    Uploading screenshots.
    Good thing is R3E is well optimized in terms of graphics, the only issue it doesn't support SLI/Crossfire... so it might run pretty well with your hardware.


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  16. 1978rocafella

    1978rocafella Member

    Registriert seit:
    14. Mai 2016
    +13 / 0 / -0
    hi guys, i am another newbie in regards to getting best graphics out of R3E, i have nvidia inspector, but what do i need to do, i do have powerful system to push pixels, but no clue how to setup "in game gfx settings", "nvidia control panel" and "nvidia profile inspector" any help for this amateur would be greatly appreciated.

    (computer is i7-5930k, 32GB corsair plat.dom., SSD samsung 850pro, 2x gtx titan-x in SLI) i have read that R3E does not support SLI
  17. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. März 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    See step by step pictures below. In step 4 you need to associate newly created profile with RRRE.exe (or application if you have extensions hidden). On my box it was at: C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\raceroom racing experience\Game\RRRE.exe. Then you can try applying settings from post #55. Let me know if you are still confused :)

    EDIT: Inspector just got updated, so button in picture 1 is gone. You need to manually start nvidiaProfileInspector.exe from Inspector install location


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    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 5. August 2016
  18. Sascha Reynders

    Sascha Reynders Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. Februar 2016
    +109 / 0 / -0
    With those system specs you should be able to run R3E pretty much maxxed out on all video settings and go for high AA settings in Nvidia Inspector. SLI is still a no-go unfortunately, so you'll have to disable one of those Titans.

    I wouldn't bother with the Nvidia CP (I only use it to set DSR factors and smoothing) but do all of your tweaking with Inspector. Here's another good guide explaining how to use it and what the different settings do:

    And you could have a look at this as well:

    Since my last posts in this thread I changed my system from an AMD FX-6300 / GTX 970 G1 to an i5 6600K / GTX 1070 G1, and I'm now running R3E at 2560x1440 through DSR, with all settings maxxed out except for Motion Blur (set at Fast/High Quality) and Rearview Mirror Quality (set at Medium), FXAA off, no more Vsync and 2xMSAA in-game overridden to 8xMSAA+8xSSAA through Nvidia Inspector. Starting at the back of a 56 car field at Spa, my framerates range from 80 to 145fps without stuttering or other graphical issues.

    My Nvidia Inspector settings still date from my AMD system, so I might be experimenting with other AA settings like 4xMSAA+4xSGSSAA or higher, but for the moment they're set like this:

    NVInspector R3E.jpg

    Have fun tweaking !
  19. Metalogic

    Metalogic Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    2. März 2016
    +234 / 0 / -0
    Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but I just reinstalled R3E after a long break from it and tried to reproduce the Nvidia graphics settings I was using with some success previously (think like post #14) in what I think is the latest Nvidia Profile Inspector version (2.13) and have RRRE.exe associated with that profile, but it doesn't seem like any AA changes I make in Nvidia Profile Inspector are having any effect in game (e.g. lots of flickering, even using 8xQ and 8xSGSS and noticeable jaggies). I'm using the latest Nvidia driver 378.66.

    Does Nvidia Profile Inspector not work with the current Nvidia drivers? Do I need to change the AA settings in (the more limited) Nvidia control panel now instead, or just use the in-game AA and FXAA?

    I have an Nvidia 970M and a single 144Hz Benq 24" external monitor at 1080p. Thanks!
  20. Metalogic

    Metalogic Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    2. März 2016
    +234 / 0 / -0
    BTW Automobilista looks great using the Nvidia settings (set in Nvidia Control panel) that they recommend - is it worth trying the same in R3E?