Problem: since R3E update, G27 only runs +/- 90°

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von Skybird, 10. April 2015.

  1. Praetorians.Diogo

    Praetorians.Diogo Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. März 2015
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    I have the same problem, tried the same troubleshooting steps but no luck yet.
  2. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
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    As long as you are not locked to 90° to any side before meeting the motor lock, yours is another issue at least by symptom, and question is whether it is an issue, or is as designed.
  3. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
    +803 / 0 / -0
    Since when? Already before, or since just after the update?
  4. oppolo

    oppolo Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. Februar 2015
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    I repeat for the last time, I had the same problem, I solved launching the game with logi profiler off (check also tray bar), you are going on to talk about logi profiler and version, try to turn it off
  5. shardshunt

    shardshunt Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Januar 2015
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    continued to play with my 180 deg wheel there is a reason it cost $30

    it's actually quite do able my only problem is i lose alot of time trying to catch a slide (or slide around a corner)
  6. yusupov

    yusupov Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
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    oh dear, i think i had this problem as well. unfortunately i have NO memory of how i resolved it. gonna just reboot to make sure i did...will post if im mistaken. i may have even gone as far as to DL & redownload, ugh frustrating i cant remember, but you say that didnt work anyway...
  7. Mike Demers

    Mike Demers Well-Known Member

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    30. Januar 2015
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    just played a minute ago - my wheel is locked at 180 degrees while in the menus - once I am on track it changes to whatever the steering lock settings are in game. FYI
  8. yusupov

    yusupov Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
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    well, its fine for me, thoo as i was driving i recalled that i had this issue in fact w/ the LFS update...ofc i just needed to recalibrate my wheel. but i am quite sure ive had similar issues w/ R3E, it just wasnt the LAST update, maybe the one before...

    does R3E have an option for axis calibration? one that includes the wheel? if so i think that should solve it right away...
  9. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
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    That'S how it was for me before the update struck. Now that lock from the menus does not go away anymore.
  10. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
    +803 / 0 / -0
    Does not work. Also does not work to plug off and in the wheel during play. Its always 180°.
  11. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

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    31. März 2015
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    Digital on-off direction control like at Amiga times and digital joysticks ism not what I expect from a simulation and is not what I spend this awful lots of money for. I'm sitting on a dead game here. An extremely expensive dead game.
  12. Sean Kenney

    Sean Kenney Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    9. Februar 2015
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    I had a similar issue...deleted all profiles and plugged it back in..things were weird...did more stuff, worked.
  13. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
    +803 / 0 / -0
    I did not just delete the player folder in MyGames with the personal data, but I uninstalled the whole game from steam, and reinstalled it. As described earlier.
  14. yusupov

    yusupov Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +28 / 0 / -0
    then its still going to use that profile, so...try that?
  15. shardshunt

    shardshunt Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Januar 2015
    +490 / 0 / -0
    I have a wheel its just a cheap wheel i don't think i could play with a joystick or keyboard.
  16. machwebb

    machwebb Well-Known Member

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    2. Februar 2015
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  17. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
    +803 / 0 / -0
    As I just said, I did not just delete the private data folder (where the profiles are kept), but installed the whole game new. And as I reported, it did not make a difference.
  18. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
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  19. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
    +803 / 0 / -0

    your solution worked as a workaround! Thank you for your input, therefore.

    However, it is no final solution, but an improvised workaround. Once pressing 1+2+x ingame, the wheel unlocks to 900°, yes - but next time the game gets started, it is locked again, and the work-around must be implied again. So that indicates that the problem causing this mess still is present in the situation. And as I said, the wheel works flawlessly 900° all by itself in all other sims.

    So, the only thing that has changed on my system, has been R3E - it got an update. Logitech was not updated, nor has seen Windows seen an update in the short time I own R3E, I have not updated any drivers, and not the USB drivers either. All that gets changed everyday, are the AV definition libraries for my internet security suite. The ball is in Sector3's half of the field, I think.
  20. machwebb

    machwebb Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    2. Februar 2015
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    No probs Skybird....I'm sure there will be a fix for this.