May be this is helpfull for some people, who got the issue, that at start of initilizing the wheel, it moves to the right but stopps before it hits the endpoint, then starts turning to the left and also stopps before hitting the endpoint, then turns a bit right again and stops - not even near the center position. For some unknown reasons when beeing in raceroom - between two races, after join track - it seems the wheel lost its "known maximum endpoints". one solution i found is, disconnect ac-adapter, connect wheel usb to a running machine, and then initilize it, like it unsually would do itself, manually with your hands (right endpoint hit, left endpoint hit, centered). the problem is to center it correct at first attempt ... then connect ac-adapter, and then disconnect the G27 USB cable from the machine and connect it again. My G27 started normal and centered correct. Another solution seems to be, using the two red middle buttons pressed together and hold it, then randomly press the X, square, triangle and circle buttons (honestly not shure , might be the "direction" [+] buttons), finishing with the button, that turns the wheel to the right endpoint. There, for about one second, it will go on trying to "break thru" the endpoint, then force is switched off ... turn the wheel a bit to the left, about 90°. Now disconnect the USB from the machine and reconnect it. The wheel should start moving as it used to before, initializing itself and should be centered correctly. Might be also helpfull for G25/29 users
When my logitech wheel does this I usually just unplug the ac adapter and plug it back in, and/or the USB plug and it initialises itself again back to centre.