Why don't introduce a new game difficulty between "Get Real" and "Amateur"? I mean something similar to "get real" mode, with tyre wear, car damage and technical problems but with the amateur driving engine (driving aids, etc...
a lot of the modern cars ...adac/gt3 to name two have tc/abs and the getreal mode so in reality they are not as far from what your asking amateur aids+ getreal settings Andi
Yes but a lot of cars and class (G5 for example) don't have driving aids and it's very hard to drive them without abs/tc, expecially if you use keyboard. It would be enough to add option to toggle all that stuff in ama how @shardshunt said, but in that case, for example in competitions, will be drivers who use or not aids in the same difficulty: need a different game difficulty.
get real competitions do not have tire ware damage ect on anyway. (on multiplayer it is always the server that decides what elements to turn on so everyone is the same)
I've never said that. As you said in the second post there may be the chance to toggle on off that, or as I wrote, another difficulty between real and ama...
Oh, so that's the deal. In that case, the thing to do at least as I see it, is for S3 to massage in some invisible assists, the way some console racers do for controller users. Like gradual throttle increase instead of insta-flooring it, and some smoothing on turn controls. Maybe they do already, which I suspect they do, but it could use some user control.
no i always like choice. (i pushed for the extensive sound options and i love them). my saying has always been 'never to many buttons'.