Changing "Car Settings" in race?

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von switchface, 7. Februar 2018.

  1. switchface

    switchface Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    30. Januar 2015
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    Many times I'll just hop in a quick race (no practice/qualifying), but after a few laps realize I need to make tweaks (force feedback, steering rack, downforce, etc). However, once in a race these settings are not available, you can only change "car settings" before the race began.

    This means, I need to fully quit the race and exit back to the white portal start screen, only to enter the race again, and fully load the track again.

    Is there a way I can save time and just 'retire to the garage', make the adjustments, then restart the race without having to fully quit back to the portal and reboot the track again?
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  2. Eric Statkevicus

    Eric Statkevicus New Member

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    8. Mai 2017
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    Not that I know of, and I find it really annoying as well. All the other major sims allow you to do this.

    I always set up a few minute practice session just to make sure FFB multiplier and general car settings seem reasonable. It would be better to just allow changing settings once a race starts. They let you restart a race, so I don't see any real reason why you can't change settings.
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  3. .OG Isaac

    .OG Isaac Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Registriert seit:
    17. Februar 2015
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    That moment you just started a race and forgot to change the brake pressure from 95% to 100%. Quit all the way and load the race all up again :/

    Would be nice if you could change the setup after you press restart.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. GooseCreature

    GooseCreature Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    30. Mai 2015
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    You can map buttons for TC and brake balance all the rest should be set up prior to racing and saved on a per track basis, hardly rocket science. All the games (yes games) that allow you to change settings on the fly are obviously not Sims! ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. .OG Isaac

    .OG Isaac Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Registriert seit:
    17. Februar 2015
    +173 / 0 / -0
    YOU CAN MAP BUTTON OFCOURSE! How did I forget that haha.

    And yeah, changing settings during the race is a bit strange.. I think what meant was without quitting to the main menu ;)

    Also, >saved on a pet track basis. But you still have to enable your setup, because you start a new "weekend" with stock.
  6. switchface

    switchface Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    30. Januar 2015
    +111 / 0 / -0
    Yes, I already have traction control and brake bias mapped to my custom wheel. I'm referring to items like steering angle, FFB strength, camber, downforce, etc. And please don't turn this into a sim vs simcade argument; I only play Raceroom. I can Alt-tab out to SimCommander and tweak any element of my setup (motion, Simvibe, Accuforce) on the fly, I don't need to reset the system.

    I don't have every single car/track combo of settings dialed in. I'm more of a jump in whatever combo floats my boat when I'm racing and go. I can hit escape and change any other setting while in a race, but the ones I mentioned. I'm not even asking for mid-race adjustment like SimCommander allows - its fine to quit the race, make my tweaks, then restart...I just don't want to quite to the main lobby menu and have to wait for the full track to reload.

    Example scenario: I'm in a race, I realize I can make a few car tweaks to improve, I push too hard with not ideal settings and crash...I'd like to quit the race, return to the screen with your settings and restart options, tweak the camber/downforce/FFB/etc, then simply hit restart and immediately be back in a new race. I can't do that now.