Why have i ignored this sim for so long :(

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von Cully.ie™, 5. April 2018.

  1. Cully.ie™

    Cully.ie™ Active Member

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    2. Juni 2015
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    Hello fellow simracers, ive being enjoying racing sims for over 25 years now , ive played everything ever released ,some great some not so great.
    Highlights along the way would be GPL Grand Prix legends and the old VROC days on 56k modem :)
    I would add GP4 in there too along with GTR2.
    Since then ive done the whole iracing thing, spent an absolute fortune etc but for various reasons i no longer enjoy it.
    Assetto corsa certainly does it for me as does Automobilista from the recent sims but im ashamed to say that ive ignored R3E for so long and more fool me because i think i might just have discovered my new favourite sim.
    Im no expert in the field, im not particularly quick but i do have an understanding if somewhat limited on what a race car should feel like.
    Back when i was young and spritely i done a small bit of RL racing car driving [not racing] when on atleast 7 occassions i drove a car from the Irish RT 2000 touring car series at mondello park during test sessions, most laps were a bit above warmup trye speeds but a few i pushed as hard as i dared without fear of crashing, so no ive never drove close to the cars limit but i know what i should expect froma sim when cornering braking etc and here i feel R3E has done an amazing job.

    So im no more than a coupe of weeks into R3E where ive put in 32 hours to date and having a blast.
    Im asking myself why did i not try it before? i think the whole tag of F2P turned me off but more fool me.

    The way the GT3 cars and indeed most of the tintop cars in the sim react during weight transfer and braking in particular simply blow me away, other sims have come close AC and AMS in particular but i feel Raceroom takes it to another level, remember im only playing on a G27 and i can still feel it.
    I just feels right and as i remember in real life, likewise the level of grip as transmitted through to me the driver via the wheel is just perfect.
    Overall as a package im delighted i bought all content recently, the tracks list is fantastic with such diversity, speaking of which id live to get road atlanta and sebring onto the roster :)
    The car roster is also pretty impressive but here again i love for some aussie V8s , i love this series and really enjoy them in automobilista and the new V8corsa mod for AC.
    Finally i have to mention the sounds, wow just wow, the rawness of a race tuned thoroughbred is captured fantastically in this sim, it really had to be heard to be believed, the only other to come anywhere near it would be Automobilista but its no competition.
    Graphically it very nice too but my only complaint is things can appear to be too dull and dark in places at times.

    R3E could well be my new overall favourite sim right now, everytime i hook up my wheel its R3E that is calling me louder than the others.
    Maybe its time to purchase a better wheel and get back into league racing :)
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  2. Rafael Jiménez

    Rafael Jiménez Member

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    Excellent Cully. Something very similar happened to me. If you try SRS with R3E, believe me you will not leave the cockpit!!
  3. Henri Puustinen

    Henri Puustinen Well-Known Member

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    23. Oktober 2016
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    I wholeheartedly agree with your post.

    I've been playing Raceroom for pretty long now but sometimes life comes in between and I don't do any simracing for a while. But always when I return I get surprised at how good the feeling of weight transfer and the way you can load your outside tires and hold it on the edge of grip is in R3E over the other sims. I always try to keep an open mind and drive as many sims as possible to be able to compare and have inputs from other games but R3E is always the one that feels most versatile in the end. And the sounds are, like you say, simply awesome and a work of art.

    AC is close but lacks in other areas, mainly sounds, which make it merely 'ok' in driving terms. However, driving the standard cars is very fun and the Focus RS MKII mod by BetoFR is one of the best mods I've tried.

    AMS is a bit too stiff in the feeling and not as good sensation of weight transfer as in R3E but still a very, very good game and for me the clear number two behind R3E.
  4. Oreos

    Oreos Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. März 2017
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    I got into RaceRoom quite late but enjoyed every minute of it so far! Really regret not buying it earlier.
  5. Onaflyer

    Onaflyer Well-Known Member

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    Welcome Cully. I had a similar experience, I strictly used iRacing and AMS for5-6 years. Then a couple years ago found R3E and never looked back, I absolutely can not stop racing in Raceroom! See you on track:)
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  6. BrianBosch

    BrianBosch Well-Known Member

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    15. März 2018
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    Hi Cullie welcome!

    Your story sounds very familiar. Another veteran here (by age and not by expertise ;)). Started many years ago with Pole Position and we needed a cassette recorder* to upload a game in 16k memory or was it 8K? Sounds like prehistoric.
    Also discovered R3E only couple of weeks ago....never to old to learn...A lot of new tracks for me to discover. Take a classic Gr5 car to Mantorp. What a joy!

    * Cassette recorder: for the youngsters among us -> just Google it and you will feel sorry and/or respect the gamers from the 80's :p.
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  7. Alex Hodgkinson

    Alex Hodgkinson KW Studios Developer

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    Welcome here Cully. Really pleased to see you're enjoying the time you've spent driving our sim so far!
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  8. Alexander Asner

    Alexander Asner Active Member

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    I rediscovered sim racing for me only a few month ago. Started out with a PS4 and a T150 Thrustmaster. I began with a sim that came out recently and was supposed to have it all. It turned out to be an early beta at best and was so buggy that it was unusable. So I tried out some other programs including raceroom and I absolutely love raceroom it for its maturity. What it does it does extremely well and consistent. Excellent driving model, good and stable VR, and a ton of content. Of course it would be nice to have weather and day/night changes and all that but what counts for me above anything else is the basis. And the basis is really well done in this sim. I meanwhile have a complete rig with Fanatec hardware mostly, a fast PC and an HTC Vive. I did not fire up another sim since a few months now.
    • Love it! Love it! x 1
  9. Xon3

    Xon3 Well-Known Member

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    One thing i would like to add that is amazing and no one ever mentions .... The net code is actually really good.
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  10. Cully.ie™

    Cully.ie™ Active Member

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    2. Juni 2015
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    Hi Alex, it was your information in the RD videos especially the GT3 and porsche discussions that finally prompted me to give it a try, i studied those vids and thought to myself this guy knows what hes talking about.
    I had tried the free content one or twice before but nothing more than a few minutes, im very happy i tried again :)
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  11. Paul Darke

    Paul Darke Moderator Beta tester

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    @Alex Hodgkinson A star in the making. You need to make more videos obviously.
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  12. SunnySunday

    SunnySunday Well-Known Member

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    Yes more physics talks with Alex the man Hodgkinson! :D
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  13. ducman888

    ducman888 Well-Known Member

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    7. Januar 2018
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    R3E is my GTS (Go To Sim) I have tried all the sims mentioned here plus a few more and they will remain in the category of the also ran sims.
    What makes R3E my GTS? I know all I have to do is jump in a car, select a track and practice... no tweaking the wheel settings necessary and I have never once made a setup change to a car and be competitive.
    I want to be a pretend race car driver, not a pretend race engineer and R3E allows me to do just that.
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  14. Heath

    Heath Well-Known Member

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    I didn’t think there were other sims :D
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  15. FormelLMS

    FormelLMS Well-Known Member

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    Yay, another one who starts with Pole Position on the Legend Atari Console :)
    Never thought someone else has started with it.
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  16. John Wiesenmüller

    John Wiesenmüller Active Member

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    There are more: ATARI VCS2600, ATARI 800 16K (and I do know what cassette recoder do mean), ATARI Mega ST, PC1,2,3,4 .... ;-)
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  17. BrianBosch

    BrianBosch Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    15. März 2018
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    Actually started on Vic20 and ZX Spectrum but as far as my memory goes there were no race games on that platform.

    edit: Aaah after a Google search I remember:

    The trees, road details and lets not talk about the sublime physics. Those were the days ;)
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  18. FormelLMS

    FormelLMS Well-Known Member

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  19. Alex Hodgkinson

    Alex Hodgkinson KW Studios Developer

    Registriert seit:
    5. Juni 2017
    +1.952 / 0 / -0
    Thank you, very kind words!

    We're thinking of putting together some videos about car setup and driving techniques.
    Is that something that would appeal to everyone?
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  20. Cully.ie™

    Cully.ie™ Active Member

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    2. Juni 2015
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    That would be great Alex i doubt you will get too many who this would not appeal to :)
    Looking forward to it already.
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