Samsung Odyssey VR headset (Microsoft Mixed Reality)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alexander Asner, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. Alexander Asner

    Alexander Asner Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
    +39 / 0 / -0
    It uses HDMI but I have it running with an active adapter on a display port without a problem. I need the HDMI output of the card for my TV as it refuses to do 4K via display port. I cannot compare to the CV1 as I had a Vive but the lenses are in fact smaller than the Vive's. A lot less god rays though than the Vive but only if it sits correctly which is a more difficult as it has a smaller sweet spot which is probably the downside of the smaller lenses.
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  2. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    @Alexander Asner, how are your impressions of Odyssey compared to Vive so far, other than smaller sweet spot? From your last post, it sounds that there's no free lunch, and Vive Pro is pricier for a reason.
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  3. Alexander Asner

    Alexander Asner Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
    +39 / 0 / -0
    Well I do not have too much to say really other than it works almost perfect. I am satisfied performance wise and I am satisfied with the picture quality. A little downside is the software and integration into steam VR as it is a little more cumbersome and requires editing config files (for reprojection e.g.). The tracking is perfect unless you want to play in very dim lighting than it sometimes looses position but that is not really a problem for me.
    I really am not sure about the controller tracking. I get some jitter here and there but I hardly ever use them so I don't care.
    The audio is a little mediocre but I hear that the Vive pro is even worse in that respect.
    If you ask my opinion I would say the Odyssey is the perfect solution for sim racing. Super easy to set up. No lighthouses and stuff you do not need for sim racing. If you are into gaming as such I guess the Vive is the more refined solution but also. comes at a hefty price tag. If you have a Vive now it is hard to say if it is worth to change. The increase in picture quality is clearly noticeable at first but like with all things you get used to it quite quickly and then you only notice it when you go back.
    Ah and one clear downside coming from the standard Vive is that the Vive fit my head better. I have mitigated that with some extra foam I added here and there. But it is really the shape of my head that is the problem. I most probably would have the same problem with the Vive Pro.
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    Last edited: May 11, 2018
  4. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for sharing this. I only use VR for racing, so don't care about same things you don't. It sounds like you are happy with it and prefer it to the original Vive. So, smaller sweet spot is not a concern for you anymore, you got used to it?
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  5. Alexander Asner

    Alexander Asner Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
    +39 / 0 / -0
    I would say you do not really realize it once you have positioned the HMD properly. But positioning the headset takes a little more care than with the Vive which I usually put on my head and bingo. Now before I race it takes a second or two until I find the best position.
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  6. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    When you race, do you end up having to re-adjust? I have to readjust CV1 often during race due to losing best focus. But CV1 has bigger lenses compared to Odyssey, so I am worried I'll have adjust much more often than CV1.
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  7. Vegaguy

    Vegaguy Active Member

    Apr 17, 2018
    +29 / 0 / -0
    Good question. I have to readjust my CV1 all the time. I even took off the face plate and mounted the head display to a bicycle helmet which helps alot for sweet spot. I started with the DK2. It had an extra positioning setting so I could move the lenses closer to my eyes which I really miss with the CV1.

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  8. Alexander Asner

    Alexander Asner Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
    +39 / 0 / -0
    Yes I sometimes readjust for a mm or two on the straights. :) But for me it is not a big problem. I am beyond 50 and more the casual variety of a sim racer I guess. ;)
    I also want to add that with HMDs I guess the experience is very much dependent on the shape of your head. That is why I take all the reviews and reports with a grain of salt. Some say this or that HMD is the most comfy they ever had. But then the shape of your head plays a big part in that. I guess this is also true for the readjustment issue. If it fits well you might not need a bicycle helmet. At the end of the day you have to try it. I bought the Odyssey at a price were I was sure I can sell without a loss. But I decided to keep it because of the image quality and make it fit the best I can.
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    Last edited: May 11, 2018
  9. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    Would you say you have to adjust more often with Odyssey, or about as often as Vive?
    I am also not an extreme sim racer :) More after immersion, even if it slows me down.
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  10. Alexander Asner

    Alexander Asner Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
    +39 / 0 / -0
    I definitely have to adjust it more often than the Vive. I wear it quite loose because otherwise it gets uncomfortable.The Vive fit more or less perfectly and did not move. But then again it was pulling my lower eyelids down which was not exactly comfortable either. As I said your milage will vary accord to the shape of your head.
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  11. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2016
    +156 / 0 / -0
    lol , and that's more comfortable ?

    I feel i look a bit odd with the Rift on , id feel like a real wally with that on :p
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  12. museumsteve

    museumsteve Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2015
    +78 / 0 / -0
    I'm still enjoying the Odyssey for racing but 2 more things of note from me are:-
    1 - The Odyssey is a lot hotter inside than the other HMDs
    2 - It actually feels a lot more like having a crash helmet on due to the amount and type of padding
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  13. M-Bimmer

    M-Bimmer Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2016
    +98 / 0 / -0
    Would u mind sharing it? Thanks
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  14. Alexander Asner

    Alexander Asner Active Member

    Jan 30, 2018
    +39 / 0 / -0
    I am not sure anymore what exactly I was referring to. But I think it was this guy. At least he drives a lot of RR.
  15. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    I'd like to share my perspective on Odyssey HMD. I owned CV1 pretty much since it came out and after disappointing Oculus Connect, where nothing comparable to Vive Pro was announced, I decided to try Odyssey, based on YouTube review claiming it is even better than Vive Pro. After 2 days of testing (around 6 hours of use in R3E and rF2), I decided to sell it.

    I am not trying to prove anyone wrong or right. HMDs are very personal devices, so your experience will depend on shape of head, face etc and may not match mine.

    I really wanted to like Odyssey, and did all I could to give it a fair chance, but I couldn't choose it over CV1. The main reason I decided to let go of Odyssey is the way it sits on my head. If I shake head (primary when sequentially shifting), display moves. It doesn't follow face as well as CV1. In other words I prefer tighter fit of CV1, and Odyssey is loose. I tried many things but nothing worked.

    Below, I'd like to share my other observations that someone might find interesting/useful.

    Good things about Odyssey HMD:
    • Resolution/image quality is better (when in sweet spot).
    • FOV is higher, because lenses are closer to the eyes.
    • Tracking is better (when it works)
    • Not a Pro over CV1, but something to appreciate: WMR has some successful analog ASW, motionReprojection. I initially tried R3E and rF2 without it, and performance was poor, but once I set it to auto, Odyssey performed very similarly to CV1 (with matched resolution).
    Now, not so good things, in order of how problematic they were to me:
    • Odyssey does not sit as tight on a face as CV1. That's actually good in relaxed situation, and headset even feels more comfortable initially, but was a problem I could not get over in a heat of a race. When I have to turn in and sequentially down shift from 6 to 1 using shifter, headset shakes way more than CV1, and needs to be readjusted more often than CV1.
    • Headphones are not detachable. I knew about that, and my plan was to simply cut them off if I decided to keep the headset. Still, one of the biggest issues with this HMD.
    • I get much more self reflection in Odyssey compared to CV1. I am not sure if it is what people call god rays or what, but, the way it looks like is when I can see reflection of my eyes in lenses and game image as well, and again, this is much more pronounced in Odyssey compared to CV1. That is not due to light leak, I checked that. Also, quite contrary to what YouTube video said, about best lenses.
    • I quite liked Odyssey tracking, but I had glitches like I never had in CV1. For example, R3E all of the sudden my head jumps out of car, recentering helps, but this added one more negative to my experience. Maybe, this was my setup issue somewhere, SVR, WMR for SVR, or who knows there, but it was nasty.
    • IPD would adjust itself when I shake heard or turn rapidly. I saw other folks complaining about that on Reddit.
    • IPD knob is too easy to turn, lightest touch adjusts IPD. If I decided to keep Odyssey, I probably would've it covered by tape, to prevent accidental adjustment.
    • Nose insert was quite uncomfortable to me. I couldn't breathe unless I flipped flaps outside. I wonder if that added some pressure on lenses so that IPD will change more easily, but anyway, pretty unsuccessful design.
    • FOV is higher, yes, but that is because lenses are closer to the eye. They were too close for me, my eyelashes would touch lenses, which is unpleasant sensation.
    • Sweet spot seemed small, and with headset not sitting tightly, headset needed frequent adjustment.
    • There were also software problems: unsuccessful feature that requires user pressing Win+Y to switch mouse input between desktop and VR. But guess what, as soon as you remove headset, it switches back immediately. What that means is you have to press Win+Y blindly, while in HMD! Unbelievably annoying, I had to tape proximity sensor to work this around. Another problem, that in SVR mode it runs: SVR, MR Portal, and VR Server + Game, so whole zoo of competing apps in the taskbar.
    • Volume control annoyingly gets in a why when I try to adjust headset. If I kept this device, I'd have to tape it.
    • Image was clear around the center, but blurry towards edges. However, that particular issue did not bother me much.
    Subjectively, I'd say Odyssey felt like fancy, but quick attempt to get into emerging market, but Rift feels like more tested, better thought out, more finished product.

    One of the promises I made myself is after trying Odyssey I'll go back to Rift I'll check if I miss Odyssey. If I did, I'd keep it. But the actual result was different, I was relieved when I got back into Rift.
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    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
  16. ElNino

    ElNino Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2015
    +475 / 0 / -0
    Iron wolf thats a solid rundown. Strange you had issues with the head tracking. I dont have odyssey, but dell visor. The tracking tech is the same and ive found the head tracking 100% flawless, as did the CV1 I tried. Some of the other issues are specific to the Odyssey vs other WMR headsets (as im sure you know, but so other folks know) like the headphones, IPD thing, etc.

    Anyway its a well done review, just wanted to chime in on those few things.
  17. The Iron Wolf

    The Iron Wolf Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    +130 / 0 / -0
    Yeah, I realize the tracking problem was probably some setup step I missed, and I acknowledged that, not sure if Steam VR room setup is needed with WMR (I couldn't get it to run, only Mixed Reality Portal setup worked). But even if it was perfect, there were other things that were unacceptable to me, unfortunately.

    Does Dell HMD allow detaching headphones?
  18. ElNino

    ElNino Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2015
    +475 / 0 / -0
    Yeah the Dell and all other WMR models do not come with headphones, just a jack (mic and headphone combo) to plug in your own that comes off the main cable, so you can work your own solution. Ive heard other comfort complaints about odyssey too. The Dell fits me nicely. Id guess youd have similar sweet spot issues if odyssey is doing it though. Mine has been good to me. Ill probably upgrade when something like pimax 5k becomes more available and affordable.
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  19. Onaflyer

    Onaflyer Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2017
    +52 / 0 / -0
    Just switched from the Rift to Odyssey+,. I like it a lot so far.

    Does anyone know how to have a frame (fps) meter in the headset?

    Something similar to tray tool with Oculus.
  20. FormelLMS

    FormelLMS Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    +229 / 0 / -0
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