Made it for myself but You might like it. It is my first program in C so may works not perfect or not run. Pros: No-delay stating lights. ~100fps delta and radar. Radar is car size accurate. Using ~ten times less system resources than OtterHud Portable You can modify the HTML yourself to create your own view ABS/Grip graphs for each wheel and input graphs Cons: Looks ugly Less functionally compared to other HUDs How it looks for example:
you dont many functions, but you can make a beautiful looking livetimings, and that would enough [for me]
I'm not a programmer, so I dont know how it works, my knowledge is nearly so big as a booger But I have photoshop and can create some tiny graphics when I have the time. The question is only which format .png, jpeg or. bmp and how big the needed parts and which Series.
we can try .bmp is good, try drawing it the size you want to see on the screen, and add font names and text sizes for faster communication, feel free to add me on discord - ‘sefianti’
New Update Added a "skin system". Now, you can customize the HUD view with your own style using HTML/CSS and share it with your friends and the community. New "standings" table in a Porsche style, designed by [weichenschleicher].
Big update, fixed a lot of bugs and added ABS/Grip graph for each wheel. Instructions on how to use the new features are available on GitHub