Hello! I have a problem with the "cockpit camera pitch down" button. When I bind this button, it isn't pitch down camera. Instead of this, it acts like cockpit camera pitch up, so both pitch down and up keys are same for me. I encountered this bug when racing online in a ranked server with FR Junior car. Have a nice race!
What buttons did you use? Maybe some hardcoded binds get in the way. I tried "," and "." and it works as intended.
Thank you for your interest Maskerader; I'm using "Q" for pitch up and "E" for pitch down. But both are pitching up cockpit camera. I don't know about hardcoded binds; is there any list about them? I will try some diffent keys and will report here. Thank you.
I use "Q" and "E" for tilting the view up and down so i wouldnt think any hardcoding should be the issue. Im not sure about the actual name of the option for that tho, i think there are 2 options that sound very similar and id have to look which one i have mapped
I think it's a car issue. I just tried FRJ (forgot to do that yesterday) and I have the same issue, both buttons act as pitch up.
Name of bindings are "cockpit camera pitch up" and "cockpit camera pitch down" which I try to use. I would appreciate it if you could write me which option you use for pitching camera. Thank you. Yesterday I tried other cars and some key bindings combo (which are K / L / F / G / O / P / . / , ) but problem stays the same. Maybe this issue (which is not a big deal for me) may also be caused by my hardware or my computer. I generally like to use the seat with the seat slightly raised. This gives me a more comfortable field of view. In some vehicles, these buttons are required for me when the seat is raised. But; this issue is not a game breaker. I just wanted to share an issue I found.
What cars? After FRJ I picked Audi TT Cup and it worked fine. Try it too and tell me if the issue stays.
I tried a few more cars and it seems like it's mostly single seaters that are affected, like FR US, FR X-17, Crossle 9s. Crossle 90f has it too, but the other way around: both buttons pitch the camera down. Stuff like P1 Audi, P2 Radical AER, electric VW are unaffected.
Just had a look and i use those exact same bindings (with Q for up and E for down). I also quickly tested it in the FRJ and it works without any issues on my side
I tried yesterday and my observations are as follows: No matter what the key bindings are, pitch up and down not work at these cars: audi 90 quattro, vw scirocco gr2, mazda mx5, porsche 911.2, audi p1, radical aer, electric vw, ferrari 296. pitch down not working, both keys are work as pitch up at these cars: FR3, FRJ, FRX17, FR2, FRUS.
When it works as intended, it works very slowly, you might not notice it at first. Keep the button down for longer and you'll see the angle changes.
I had same issues on Tatuus F4 but didn't tested on any other car since then (last few days) because I was away it was first time when I used this pitch bind and by accident basically because usually I adjust it from the menu slider both pitch up/down buttons moved the camera by 1.42° up I thought it can be single seater issue since Maskerader talked about FRJ in discord topic too but it seems like it's little bit more complicated topic