Hi, i am trying to enjoy Raceroom's ranked servers but i am having a hard time. I get disconnects in 4 out of 5 races i try. I don't notice this problem in any other game ou application i use. I am trying to race in US servers where my ping is showed around 140ms. When i get disconected i don't recieve any message with the reason i was. No high ping warning, only if i try joining EU servers. I just start to see the car hood and than i am out. My safety rank is very low because of this too and it is very desestimulating. Is there any way i could track the origins of this problem? I really want to enjoy raceroom's multiplayer. I already tried pinging different services around the world for long periods of time and never saw any packet loss. System Specs: Ryzen 2600x AMD 5700XT 8gb RAM 140 MBPS WIRED internet connection. I am attaching my game log folder as suggested by Andi in the discord channel.
can you add your location ,; a speedtest or alike for your internet what type of connection your using and your full pc specs Andi
Ryzen 2700x Rx 5700 XT GIGABYTE OC 8G Gigabyte a320m 8GB corsair vengeance RAM 600w EVGA PSU 'what type of connection your using' Wired from modem to PC. fiber I am at Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
So... does this company provide any kind of official support? Weeks since i opened a ticket asking for help and not a single answer there or here. Thats it?
The problem was on my side. The reason i was being disconected was because of my ISP traffic shapping my connection with raceroom servers, resulting in a lot of packet loss. The problem was resolved by using a VPN. Thank you @J-F Chardon for your help. Aos jogadores brasileiros: O motivo de minhas constantes quedas no multiplayer online eram devidos a traffic shapping da NET Virtua/CLARO. Eles maliciosamente fazem traffic shapping, ocasionando no meu caso mais de 30% de perda de pacotes. o que pude confirmar pela ferramenta multiping. O problema foi resolvido ultizando uma VPN com servidor no brasil pra fugir dessa desonestidade da NET. Fica a dica pra todo mundo experimentando quedas constantes em jogos online ou com muita perda de pacotes.
Cara, to passando esse mesmo problema. Qual VPN você tá usando? Sabe se hoje em dia tem outra solução? Valeu!