Problem d-pad pit stop menu nav. + other mappings

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by AlleyViper, Dec 16, 2020.

  1. AlleyViper

    AlleyViper Active Member

    Dec 10, 2016
    +39 / 0 / -0
    I'll just leave a comment/suggestion in case devs look into this thread, as currently R3E has limited mapping on a gamepad's d-pad (or wheels if applicable):

    - When the d-pad is set for pit menu navigation as by default (wired 360 controller in my example), these 4 directional button presses can't be mapped for any other car controls to be used when the pit menu isn't on-screen.

    A handier solution would be allowing to map them stuff like push to pass, brake balance, etc, while the same buttons would only work as navigation "arrows" when the pit menu shows on screen if double mapped. One starts to be short on buttons when functions like tc+/-, p2p, drs, launch control, confirm/pop menu, navigate menu u/d/l/r, confirm selection, pit limiter (maps upcoming too!), are usually required when alternating in between car classes.
    Having these 4 extra buttons (or, more precisely, any mappings only specific to a visible pit-menu) on double duty would help a lot to avoid switching in between controller profiles per class.

    Thanks for your consideration
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020