First Thoughts of Update?

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von w4nn13, 31. März 2016.

  1. EsxPaul

    EsxPaul Well-Known Member

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    17. Februar 2016
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    I'm pretty relaxed about intermittently not being able to get online. I was expecting there to be some bumps in the road with such a big update being rolled out. I'm sure the guys are doing their level best to get things back to normal and things should smoothen out over the upcoming hours.

    On another note, I'm so grateful for the new FFB meter. It's enabled me to take out my poor guesswork and finally get a much more realistic feel with my G29. The dreaded centre dead zone is now almost gone and feels like a new wheel to me.

    I just need to remember to take my eyes off of the meter whilst going through Eau Rouge as that's not been ending well for me :D
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  2. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member

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    12. Februar 2015
    +1.043 / 0 / -0
    Highly exciting, just reached 1.1 GB, wating fo 1.2 GB!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Wonderful Wonderful x 1
  3. Paul Bennett

    Paul Bennett New Member

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    9. November 2015
    +3 / 0 / -0
    The devs had done some big changes only wish I could experience them. Maybe some investment in the online hardware is needed now.
  4. pixeljetstream

    pixeljetstream Well-Known Member Beta tester

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    29. Januar 2015
    +412 / 0 / -0
    +1 The team and the circumstances under which they work are what they are, and have been for a couple years now. Ideally some day they can fill the new programmer positions and that being part of improving the technology stack that causes grief here and there. But it won't happen magically over night, the game is steadily improving, not as fast as anyone would wish, and I am super positive this includes the developers themselves. There is no free lunch anywhere, developers work under contracts, with certain budgets, want to have a life as well... if there was an "easy" way out, it would have been taken by now ;) That is not saying everything is awesome, or that things have to be the way they are, but changing the circumstances takes time and a lot of energy/will on all sides involved.
    It's good we have all those other racing sims "as well", no-one needs to go exclusive here, make the best of all titles available, enjoying the progress in all of them :)
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  5. Azfalt Raser

    Azfalt Raser Well-Known Member

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    16. Mai 2015
    +162 / 0 / -0
    Ah! That explains why it seemed the video freeze occurred sometimes and not all the time.
    The fewer number of different cars, the less frequent the video freeze occurred?
    For instance, in a BMW Pro car server, we didn't experience the freezes - at least I don't remember any.
    In a recent GT3 mp server practice session, it was horrible.

    So back to Thoughts of the update:

    1. The tire "judder" (a different oscillating frequency of shudder ;))
    I applaud this tire model implementation.:cool::cool:
    While at the limits, its pretty good. Perhaps it shoudln't be in every corner/situation, but I feel it's better than trying to feel a slide by waiting for my wheel to go limp - which by then, it's too late.!!!! I like it. Need to get used to it though. I'm guessing the effect can be turned down - I haven't checked yet. The noise, if there is any (I wear headphones) will exclude playing at night - otherwise.

    I don't have any experience driving on real trackside astro turf (fake grass). Does the tires still have enough grip to "judder" like that at the limit when you drive on it? I noticed that at Spa. I get that vibration on the track, green painted surface, and carpet...which seemed strange. Maybe it was the curb I was feeling? I would think the tire would slide once on the fake grass.
    Between turn 14 & 15 and a couple of other spots.

    2. Audi GTO
    I have run into a slight issue at Spa now. Coming out of Chicane, my fps is the same, but the video stutters. Perhaps it's the same issue someone else had...."weird stutter when driving over curb - with no fps loss". It started today or with the updated Audi, because I have been running GT3 cars at Spa. The only issue I had with the Audi, previously, was the tire graphics coming up through the fenders and the Rally style driving technique needed.
    It still has some of that idiosyncratic handling, but reasonably grippy while not at the limit. Awesome job!:)

    3) Since no additional GTO cars yet, I unbarricaded my door and turned my phone back on. ;)
    I'll just have to save my "groceries" (10 boxes of girl scout cookies), until they are released.:p

    Thank you guys at Sector3 for your hard work in getting this update to us.
    Regardless of whether I feel it was perfect or not, I appreciate your efforts.

    **I would give more of a try...unfortuantely Error 503**
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  6. KoshaPashkin

    KoshaPashkin Well-Known Member

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    18. Februar 2015
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    Any сhance about WTCC 2015 in steam? :flushed:
  7. Sean Kenney

    Sean Kenney Well-Known Member

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    9. Februar 2015
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    We don't want to implode R3e servers now.
  8. DoctorFrazierCrane

    DoctorFrazierCrane Well-Known Member

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    19. Januar 2016
    +65 / 0 / -0
    I agree regarding the tyre model.

    Once over the initial wow factor of Green Hell the new handling model has me delighted the most...feels like now handling is firmly on the same page as rFactor2, AMS and Assetto Corsa.
  9. Gopher04

    Gopher04 Well-Known Member

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    6. März 2015
    +237 / 0 / -0
    My thoughts so far, what ever they did with the ffb is just horrible for me, it's absolutly lifeless and spongy now, before patch I was getting loads of feedback through the wheel, I had weight to the wheel (as I like a heavy wheel) the return multiplier doesn't seem to do anything anymore, that would give you something to fight against when the wheel was trying to return to center, again putting weight on the wheel, all gone, it's so spongy at the center point it's like there is a default damper in place, which did exist before but was able to cancel out changing these settings in your control set:

    FFB steer friction coefficient="0.0" // Coefficient to use for steering friction. Range: -1.0 to 1.0
    FFB steer friction saturation="0.0" // Saturation value to use for steering friction. Range: 0 - 1.0
    FFB steer damper coefficient="0.0" // Coefficient to use for steering damper. Range: -1.0 to 1.0
    FFB steer damper saturation="0.0" // Saturation value to use for steering damper. Range: 0 - 1.0

    I have always been a big fan of the ffb in RRE, but with this update I can't be anymore, if I could have the ffb I had yesterday all would be good on that side.

    Also I have had to remove the hands from the virtual steering wheel, something I have had to do purely because the steering lock has been reduced by so much in the car setup menu, I think max now is 25 on some cars, where on all cars they had a max of 40, if you use hands on the wheel at 900° rotation with 40 lock all was fine and virtual wheel matched as well, where as now when the virtual wheel hits it's limit of rotation the car isn't turning enough to get round corners, and that's using custom or matched animation settings.

    As for the Nordschleife looks good and well finished, but I can't thinking while driving around it, it really does remind of the Pcars version, where as the iracing & AC are so different.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 31. März 2016
  10. Tom Shane

    Tom Shane Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    15. Februar 2015
    +30 / 0 / -0
    FFB feels much better for me after update.

    @Gopher04 Do you have minimum force set to zero?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Gopher04

    Gopher04 Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    6. März 2015
    +237 / 0 / -0
    Tried it both ends of the scale Tom, hasn't made a noticeable difference, and I don't know about anyone else, if I adjust the ffb in the car setup menu, I get alot of random movement in the menu's from my wheel.
  12. ::SKRO::

    ::SKRO:: Well-Known Member

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    29. Januar 2015
    +972 / 0 / -0
    Drove my benchmark car (mp4) on my benchmark track (Monza) for just a few laps and yes I could tell the physic has changed quite seriously. I felt the car more realistic and more challenging to control during turns (enter/mid/exit phase). It's overall more difficult than before and the similarly with AC model came back to my mind instantly. Also I've noticed that the car is more prone now to lose speed quite fast when shifting down to lower gears (first chicane on monza I was barely moving the first time i left the pits). I'll try to do a few more laps tonight with the other cars and see the differences between now and then but first impact I'm happy with the new feeling. FFB has jumped ahead quite a bit imo. I love the meter and definitely gonna spend some time to get the right amount of forces on my wheel. Also, I like the music in the menu and the new hud is really, really nice! Gj S3
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  13. theravenousbeast

    theravenousbeast Well-Known Member

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    30. Januar 2015
    +155 / 0 / -0

    I really like the new tire slip effect, really subtle but informative.
    The default FFB multiplier at 3.0 on all cars is crazy, 1.5-2 is much better in my opinion.
    The understeer effect for whatever reason doesn't seem to work for me as it did previously.
    Nordschleife looks great even on my relatively low settings.
    Still messing around with the new minimum force setting, a higher value gives more feel to the center but introduces slight rattle. Dunno what to pick to be honest, since that one was one of the biggest issues for me with the FFB.
    Will drive the new new cars a bit more tomorrow and give my thoughts.

    One thing I would REALLY love to see/hear is the developers' thought process and logic explained behind the new wheel default settings.
    I used to run the Vertical Force setting around 100 and the Lateral around 30-40 but the new settings suggest otherwise.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. Jkck

    Jkck Member

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    27. Januar 2016
    +23 / 0 / -0
    I have a pretty decent rig, but i was worried about what drops in performance these larger grids would bring. So after the servers calmed down and i was able to log in and access the game "like normal", i fired up Spa with a 55 car field and OMG was blown away at how well it did. Rock solid @ 60fps. I loved the racing. Everything just seemed better. Tomorrow i shall buy and see how the Nord is.

    On a different question though, Are the GT3 cars available in a pack? Seems to be costly to have to buy them on a per livery basis.
  15. ElNino

    ElNino Well-Known Member

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    7. Februar 2015
    +475 / 0 / -0
    Very happy overall, and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface after some nordschleife laps. Both GT3 and wtcc15 feel excellent to me. The tire slip on GT3 really communicates a ton about the limits of the car.

    Also, doing nordschleife at sunrise really added some realism to the graphics, to go against my earlier post.

    I agree a feel of AC in new physics with regard to the car getting away from you. The difficulty does seem to have increased, but with it comes more communication at the limits....feels like it can be mastered and reproduced.

    All in all this really moved r3e forward big time.

    Oh music!!!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Jamesr

    Jamesr Member

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    18. Juli 2015
    +10 / 0 / -0
    The verdict after 1 lap in the RUF GT3 on the Nordschliefe: they've outdone themselves again. This is truly a significant step in the right direction. I'm noticed that I'm dropping below 60FPS on the ring, which I suppose is to be expected given the detail they've put into it. With TrackIR and on an ultrawide, it looks and feels stunning. Now, all I need is an excuse to attend to work/other life obligations to give this a few hours of driving time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. ElNino

    ElNino Well-Known Member

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    7. Februar 2015
    +475 / 0 / -0
    Can I get an "AMEN". Just finished chatting up the wife in bed so I can dissappear for another hour downstairs!!
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  18. matteman

    matteman Well-Known Member

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    29. Januar 2015
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  19. Why485

    Why485 Well-Known Member

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    4. Juni 2015
    +66 / 0 / -0
    Ran into a really annoying issue with the GT3 Mercedes bouncing from its left to right wheels. It's like the car rocks very violently to the left and right when going around corners a certain way. Smooth 3rd gear turns? I'm not sure exactly what causes it, but it's totally unnatural and really upsets the car's balance. The bouncing is so bad that the wheels will literally leave the ground until it settles after straightening out and completing the turn.

    I'll try and get video of it when I can, but it's really bad. This was a problem before this patch, but the new suspension and physics have massively exacerbated the issue. Lowing the front anti roll bar and springs to minimum helps keep it under control, but it doesn't stop it from happening.

    I don't know if this is unique to the Mercedes AMG because I don't own any of the other GTR3 cars. It's at its worst on turn 5 of Red Bull Ring.
  20. Pfalzdriver

    Pfalzdriver Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    26. März 2016
    +85 / 0 / -0
    FFB feels great now for myself. I always had problems with my pretty old DFGT to find proper settings. After the patch it felt great instantly. :)

    And the new background sounds .... just amazing. :)

    But on the other hand, is it just me, or is the game pretty slow now? I did a round at the Nords yesterday, and well, it took a lot of time to load. Long track, so I didnt thought about that. But even leaving the session back to the main screen afterwards took imho ages.