Problem Game "jiggles" in race menus and race

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by fnugen, Jan 8, 2025.

  1. fnugen

    fnugen Member

    Nov 22, 2020
    +11 / 0 / -0
    I fixed the blurry main menus by going to Meta Link instead of SteamVR. I tried it for a few minutes last night and it seemed great. Now today, after playing with OTT a little for another game, now the game is acting up. Once I get past the menu to choose which session, and then choosing the car and track, the menus start to "jiggle" if I so much as move my head a little. I can't find anywhere online to try other people's ODT or OTT settings, so I'm just shooting in the dark. I have a Quest 3, i7 10700, and a 3070oc. If I play the game in SteamVR, the whole thing is blurry. Now inside Meta link, it's jiggly/wiggly and at times a little choppy. I am running the headset at 90Hz and 1.5x for settings. It seems to work pretty good for AMS2. Can anybody help me clean up my Raceroom game?? I really would love to run the BTCC and not have it jiggling and wiggling if I move my head.

    I just discovered using the Meta link, so maybe it's something in there. I also try other people's ODT and OTT settings. Couldn't find a post with Raceroom only settings, nor when I tried to find a good global setting for OTT.