Question How to get off the line

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by Karting06, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Karting06

    Karting06 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Nov 15, 2016
    +128 / 0 / -0

    I know the question looks stupid, but I have the feeling that I'm too slow to get off the line, especially in hill climb.
    There are some guys, that are departing really fast and I'm maybe already a second or much more behind the ghost before the end of the first straight (lakeview). I thought that it was due to the autoclutch (Hill climb icons).

    But, in the Nissan Skyline competition on Lakeview, I have the same problem. I cannot get off fast.
    I tried to go full on the throttle + clutch and release the clutch when the light goes green, it doesn't really work.
    I also tried to not use the clutch (and being in first gear), but then the car revs but doesn't move at all.
    My only way to get off less slowly is to rev to about 4000 or 5000 RPM and then release the clutch, pressing it again a bit, release and so on.
    Also the clutch pedal doesn't go very far, I get a feeling of all or nothing for the clutch.

    How do you guys do that?
    Thanks for help :)