Massive drop of FPS on RaceRoomExperience on specific place of Track

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by maxsagace, Dec 15, 2023.

  1. maxsagace

    maxsagace New Member

    Jul 27, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Hi, after many try and many try I give up and come here to search some help.
    Can You Dev tell me how to run this game properly with my 7900XT (driver up to date) and my 5800X3D installed on crucial SSD. No matter what I did, It never changed the fact that, on specific place, on specific track the game had massive drop of FPS, no matter the trafic,or what happen on the camera. It always appear at the same place on each track, it's like at this turn, on each lap i will have a massive drop to 40 FPS. Here I put a link to a video i took on Charade but it happen also on a lot of differents tracks. And in otherside on some tracks everything is fine like i did a race on Motorland Aragon and everything was fine, sure had some drop but not like this.
    I will really appreciate if you can help me to understand what is the source of the trouble.
    And everytrime I try to change Fullscreen mod to window mod or to activate and remove the Vsync the game crash. changing the resolution is ok, but the rest make a crash and the game need to be launch again to see the change being effective.
    The video Link of the FPS drop (FPS are on the bottom left of the screen in green):
    In the end of the video it's really clear that it appear all the time on specific place no matter what.
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  2. AlleyViper

    AlleyViper Active Member

    Dec 10, 2016
    +39 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to the club. :confused:
    There are a few things you can try to alleviate the issue. The first is to avoid using cpu heavy graphics options due to poor MT, try setting time progression to 0x, reflections to just "Reduced", and no cockpit interiors for other cars, to reduce draw calls.

    Another common issue on rdna+older titles can be related to a feedback loop on the gpu power management side, causing very low clocks that will lower fps, bad framepacing and stutters. For this one, you can try creating a manual "Tune Game Performance" profile for r3e in your gpu driver, with forced minimum clocks closer to highest (a 100MHz delta is commonly suggested), so you're not playing on near idle clocks with heavy fluctuation. There are some more complex workarounds using MPT and disabling some advanced gpu PM features I'm not familiar with, so as just disabling ULPS (prob. useless on rnda).
    Unfortunately there's no "High Performance" game profile switch on AMD drivers so that aggressive PM won't kick in under very low gpu loads. It can help on recent NV hw suffering similarly.

    You can also try using dxvk 2.3 (placing the packed x64\d3d9.dll file inside the \x64 folder where the r3e 64 bit executable is) to wrap dx9 to vulkan (there are a few visual advantages, as it seems to use adaptive MSAA, which I can't force anymore on a rdna2 card vs the previous Polaris). It'll require SAM+external 4g decoding enabled on bios for best results, but I suppose you already have it enabled on that system.
    Beware, it might not be external hud compatible, so temporarily disable for testing. IME, this will provide less harsh fps drops on particularly heavy track spots, specially when racing AI hitting themselves (p.e, Monza and Nurb T1 on TCR, or right after Eau Rouge) but until shader cache is built for a session with new content, you'll face some obvious shader compilation stutters related to dxvk, and slightly longer loading time. Unfortunately, doesn't cure the issue above related to low gpu usage+low clocks, but might help a little by taxing your gpu more. GL

    PS/edit: For the crash on video settings, it seems usual with amd drivers+rdna cards. I don't remember having it on Polaris. As a workaround, so that changing FS or vsync won't crash R3E, you can edit manually Documents\My Games\SimBin\RaceRoom Racing Experience\UserData\graphics_options.xml. true or false for enableVSync, and windowMode 0=windowed mode, 1=fullscreen and 2=borderless fullscreen.
    Please try reporting this too (or both issues) within the Adrenalin bug report tool, so AMD can have a look at it.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
  3. maxsagace

    maxsagace New Member

    Jul 27, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for your answer, I will try if I can solve a little the problem.
    I try quickly with my older PC, with a 6700K and a 2080, and I never go down under 100 FPS on the same circuit 1440P setup, and same at Ninbgo Circuit ( for me it's the worst in FPS) and my old PC just go down quickly one time at 80 FPS on that track. It was fluid and without real drop. They cannot do something to make their game a little more AMD friendly ?
    I tought maybe i have trouble with my config, so I launch a race in ACC to compare at Imola (i saw a youtube video with the same GPU and CPU for comparing, my result was even better than in the video but there is new drivers now) 1440P setup epic, I had a 170/180 fps on the start grid and a solid 200 220 FPS during the race. (46fps on the side of the road, alone, car stopped on Raceroom:eek:)
    It's a shame, I really like Raceroom, but I think it will just end with me giving up the game... between this kind of issue (with a gpu a 900 Euro and a cpu at 300, it's really annoying) and the technical gap between him and the rest of the Sim (no night, no rain, a really old engine). It work alone on the track so i can still do Hot Lap :(.
  4. Andi Goodwin

    Andi Goodwin Moderator Beta tester

    Jan 16, 2015
    +791 / 0 / -0
    couple of suggestions, force your cpu to run at full boost, this helps as dx9 runs on a single core
    dxvk may help

  5. maxsagace

    maxsagace New Member

    Jul 27, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    I didn't want to touch too much things since the updated were on the road. It was a good move, this update bring me a lot of improvement.
    Charade and couple of the others tracks still run like potatoes, but all the tracks mark as "2023 specs" in the changelog had gain a lot of FPS ( I didn't race on all yet, but while i was trying alone i was praticlly all the time between 250 FPS and 300 FPS, normaly i must not fall to 46 FPS while racing on this tracks,...).
    It's a good news for me, thanks !!! Hope you will continue on that way.
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  6. sampopel

    sampopel Member

    Apr 5, 2020
    +5 / 0 / -0
    I find Circuit Charade also gives me huge FPS drop at certain locations. I get over 300 FPS in some parts of the track, over 180 FPS most parts of the track, but a few places it always drops to about 50-80 and is very choppy. I found that turning trackside level of detail to Low made FPS at Charade stay above 180 FPS in all parts of the track (and to be honest, I couldn't tell what detail was turned off :) ).

    Strangely, when I then set trackside level of detail back to High, although the FPS would drop again at the same places on the circuit, it didn't drop as low, maybe dropping to 80-100 FPS, so not as choppy as before.
    • Informative Informative x 1