Problem Pit/garage menu fps drop

Dieses Thema im Forum "Community Support" wurde erstellt von David Slute, 22. Dezember 2019.

  1. David Slute

    David Slute Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    7. Februar 2015
    +81 / 0 / -0
    Hey guys,
    Using a Lenovo explorer wmr....I've set it to run at 60hrz...I know 90hrz is better but my system can't run Raceroom at 90 and asw kicks in and drops it to 45 fps so I found a happy medium.

    Anyways the main home screen and in-game runs a solid 60hrz with 30 cars on track. The second I pause or return to the pit menu/garage the fps drop to 40-45fps and cause alot of eye strain and nausea as it's really shaky.

    Anyone experienced this or know a fix?

    Asides from that the game runs and looks very good.
