Since March update , whenever I start the game Race Room demands a log-in (email & pw) as I have it in my mind, but is a little annoying....tbh. Maybe some data cleansing required on my side ?
Hi, I get that a lot as well, .. also since the March update. I can barely connect anymore. Sometimes if you leave that Login screen long enough, .. it will still login without requiring input. However, .. it's become easier just to quit to desktop, .. and try again. It's taking me about 5 minutes before I can actually race .. Cheers Tom
Same here! Simple quit to desktop and launch again! Always works from 2nd try! If only server isn't down or on maintenance! Anyway, I wish to fix it! Always better when works from 1st time! I am not a specialist in the server and programming things, but I think the trouble somewhere with time responding from the server. Peace.
I get this too randomly, I exit and start it again and it almost always logs me in automatically on the second try. Edit- I see I just repeated Lazorenko Anyway I can confirm second try usually works
Normally it does go through on the 2nd time, .. although it takes a loooonnnnggggg time. Tried to login about 30 minutes ago, .. only got connected on the 4th attempt. ... took me about 8 mins to actually get Racing. Almost time to retire R3E, .. as it's become too frustrating to get it running, .. and no solution in sight. New patch today, .. and resolves nothing. .. and the adaptive AI seems even more wonky than if did after the March update. i.e. insanely quick after a new aiadaption.xml file. Anyhoo .. Cheers Tom
I let it sit for a couple of minutes and it just logs me in eventually ALthough I can't get on at all lately
same here, but actually it always works on second attempt, so it does not bother that much (of course it should be fixed tho...)