Hi, i don't know with whom can I talk? RRR didn't record my races since september 22nd . Why? I had at lest 10 finished races and last recorded is september 22nd. Please only administration or specific contact if You have. Thx,
With recorded do you mean ranked races not showing up in your history in the profil, or do you mean replays aren't recorded?
Alright, then please link your raceroom profil ( https://game.raceroom.com/ logging in there with steam and you get to your profil). And i'll ping @CaptainCoffee
Ok. Sorry, bad explanation. My mp rating and mp reputation was last change 22nd Sept. and last race noted 22nd Sept. And I drove and finished at least 10 races. I'm beginer level. ?????
can you drive a ranked race then upload your game logs ? please mention which race you drove /server name Andi