With triple screens part of the in-game UI get's hidden behind the bezel's between the monitors. In some other games it is possible to adjust the UI width to make sure the elements are always visible on the middle monitor. Is there any option for this anywhere? Or is it perhaps a coming feature? Currently the main problem's are to see split times while racing and to see positions in the leaderboard when in-game.
UI doesn't work fine in single screen with 21:9 aspect ratio also... http://www.racedepartment.com/threads/beta-bug-report-thread-santa-build.97881/page-2#post-1894086
Confirmed, the Gui has some glitches under 21:9 (3440x1440), but is fully functional. Ingame looks fine!
I have another problem with 3 monitors. See screenshot: Information bar is very small and positioned on left screen. Unfortunately it sometimes looks properly. So I don' t know the reasons why sometimes it goes wrong.
I sometimes have that problem, with the information bar being very small (although always on the center screen). I've discovered that simply alt-tabing back to the desktop and then back to R3E fixes it. Give it a try next time it happens and see if it solves it for you.
I tried alt tab while on track - doesn't help imediately. I had to back to garage (menu) - which fixed info bar.