Problem VR fixed camera position

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by Melvin Wiericx, Sep 16, 2021.

  1. Melvin Wiericx

    Melvin Wiericx New Member

    May 10, 2020
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi guys,

    Last days I've got a problem playing raceroom in VR, I'm using a reverb g2. The problem I encounter is that my view in game is fixed and not moving ingame like it should when your leaning left or right or back to front with your head. It stays in just one static position. When leaning left for example the whole screen goes to the left instead of independently moving around in the vr environment.

    Does anyone encountered the same problem and has maybe a solution ?

    Thanks in regard
  2. SchlesiM

    SchlesiM Active Member

    Dec 5, 2020
    +30 / 0 / -0
    I also had some positioning problems with my Reverb G2.

    Two things are useful to know:
    • the front and the side cameras of the headset are used to determine movements. If those cameras don't have enough light or contrasts in the environment (like flat walls of just one color or a big TV in front which is just dark), they defuse to "translate" your heads movements right. Especially during the initializing process the cameras need "something" to be able to recognize position and movements.

    • after I moved my rig from our guest room to my new "nerd's cave"-room (take a look at my profile picture) I had serious issues concerning movements and positions. They were caused by the fact that I configured my headset for a (fixed) seating position (what seemed appropriate for me when using a fixed rig). But after endless tries (and errors) I realized that I have to configure a (small) rooom instead. No issues and working like charme since I did that.
    Maybe these tips are helpful for you.
  3. rad

    rad Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2015
    +458 / 0 / -0
    I have Quest 2, but those are symptoms of not working tracking. Apart from what SchlesiM wrote, I'd reccomend trying to clean cameras with some microfibre cloth. I also seem to have some issues when sitting in front of bright screen - in my case PC monitor. What helped was lowering screen brightness.

    Also, this is probably Quest 2 specific, not sure how it's in Reverb, but sometimes when tracking breaks for me, what helps is cleaning data for Guardian, which is system that sets up virtual boundries for safety
  4. Melvin Wiericx

    Melvin Wiericx New Member

    May 10, 2020
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thank you guys for the reply, I'm going to try some things.

    I've had this problem before but then it was just casually, I also use a fixed camera position so gonna try to change that.

    I've also gotten bad tracking but "what helped was resetting the environment cause I set it up while standing in my room without my rig in it so I think it got confused when all those things came in part" then at least it tracked something, only very poorly. No it seems to track absolutely nothing, it feels like i am playing in theater mode. Did you guys experienced this or was there some (bad) tracking seen ?

    That's what I find so strange about it, since resetting my environment it has worked flawlessly and made me happy cause the g2 can be a pain in the but without any other changes made this al happened.

    Well I've got some things to try and hope I can come with an answer.

    Thank you all for your insights

    Kind regards
  5. Melvin Wiericx

    Melvin Wiericx New Member

    May 10, 2020
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Fixed the problem, at least for this evening it's working again as it should :)

    All I did was resetting room scale, still have it on seating position though. I also deleted the environment data but ive done that before but then it didn't help. So it looks is was just as simple of resetting my room scale.

    So happy I can enjoy my vr motion sim racing rig again. I've recently bought a next level v3 seat mover coupled with a buttkicker in vr is really jaw breaking cool. What an immersion that gives.

    Thank you all again en see ya on the track, maybe :p