VR - Leaderboard Challenges - game lock after seconds on track

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von Gerald Lechner, 19. Dezember 2021.

  1. Gerald Lechner

    Gerald Lechner New Member

    Registriert seit:
    24. März 2019
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi there,
    tried to play leaderboard. On each track, the image freezes after a few seconds. But only in the VR glasses, the desktop window continues to run. Sound goes on too.
    Racing works, training works, online works.
    Same with a racing friend. With another racing friend without VR, everything seems to be working fine. With that I almost rule out the error here on the computer.
    Unfortunately this only happened since your server maintenance last Thursday.
    Am I doing something wrong, can I do something myself, or is there help from you?

  2. Andy Kettler

    Andy Kettler Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Registriert seit:
    15. Januar 2015
    +1.109 / 0 / -0
    Did you use a ghost ? If yes please deactivate the ghost car and line in the options and try again. Theres a known issue with those :)
  3. Gerald Lechner

    Gerald Lechner New Member

    Registriert seit:
    24. März 2019
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thank you very much for the answer and at the same time the solution.
    This is actually the "ghost" problem as well.
    "ghost off" and it works again.
    Thank you - that saved my Sunday! :)
    • Wonderful Wonderful x 1
  4. Andy Kettler

    Andy Kettler Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Registriert seit:
    15. Januar 2015
    +1.109 / 0 / -0
    The ghost issue was fixed today ;)