Question Windows mode not centered

Dieses Thema im Forum "Community Support" wurde erstellt von Azfalt Raser, 18. Oktober 2019.

  1. Azfalt Raser

    Azfalt Raser Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    16. Mai 2015
    +162 / 0 / -0
    how do I get the game window to be centered?

    I play in windowed mode. I'm using the same pc configuration I have been using since 2015.
    I did a fresh install windows10 and updated drivers and win updates...and then fresh install of R3E.

    The R3E window opened at a lower resolution than 1280x720. I can't remember what it was. The window was centered.

    I inadvertantly changed the video settings from the default to 1280x720. The window was centered.

    I changed the video settings to 1920x1080 (my monitor's native resolution).
    The R3E window is too high and moved to the left so I can only see the right edge of the menu buttons, in the top left corner of my monitor. I see my desktop at the bottom and a HUGE black bar on the right side and then my desktop.

    I can't change the resolution since the settings button is hidden - off screen - and the game reopens this way, everytime now. The game graphics seems to be very squished (horizontally) too.

    fixes - anyone?