Bye Bye my Euro friends!

Dieses Thema im Forum "Off Topic" wurde erstellt von GooseCreature, 24. Juni 2016.

  1. n01sname

    n01sname Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Februar 2015
    +956 / 0 / -0
    Such mature and sophisticted statements are enhancing every meaningful debate on the highest level of human intelligence !
    Not that I like Farage that much or that I support the UKIP-Agenda but he was one of the very few EU Politicians who dared to point his fingers torwards a completely self-absorbed EU-Idiocracy more than once...(just read the Juncker Quote above again)
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  2. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Registriert seit:
    23. April 2015
    +1.307 / 0 / -0
    Mr Farage baldly lied all through the campaign. He lied about immigration, he lied about the economy, and he lied about how much the Britain pays the EU. He didn't just lie a little bit. Then, on that last point (which was a big deal) he later said it was a "mistake".

    He's an obnoxious dishonest bigot and describing him as such is a simple statement of fact*

    *for the purposes of this rant, the use of the word "fact" may be considered a mistake - please substitute the word "opinion"
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  3. Jake Fangio

    Jake Fangio Member

    Registriert seit:
    14. Juni 2015
    +22 / 0 / -0
    You have not had to have the man on your TV screens every day for the past four months.He quickly becomes a bore,trading on thinly disguised bigotry and lying through his teeth.
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  4. n01sname

    n01sname Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Februar 2015
    +956 / 0 / -0
    Yes guys I agree but that also goes for politicians like Cameron, Blair, Brown (or , once more Merkel &Schäuble as most prominent german politicians) and I do understand the bitternis cause he might appeared different in the beginning(like many european right-wing populists).
    What I mean is this : I don't like Alex Jones , as an extreme example, cause he repeately was caught by mixing fact with fiction, nevertheless he also dared to point at certain directions (and of course following his own agenda) and ten years ago that had a certain impact on me to start to consider things from a different angle but, most important, I never fall for A.J. cause I strictly follow my own rules or what is called common sense.
    In this sense I believe that in a true free independent society (I don't care about the label ) such figures can be endured easily cause soonr or later their lies mis- or desinfo will backfire on them mainly because the ppl are aware enough to only take that piece of cake that is uncompromised and serves the common good... in the end hatred and anger are leading nowhere...but, believe me I have a hard time to follow that simple truth myself (*Groooaaar!* :) )
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  5. Tuborg

    Tuborg Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. Februar 2015
    +457 / 0 / -0
    :D I love him :p

  6. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    I do wonder if all those in support of the EU live incountries that have actually
    Because one of the few good things about being in the EU (the EU human rights) has done eff all for the sick and disabled in the UK, and the UK is haemorrhaging money out to the EU and EU states fact. If the EU is going to do squat to help people who need help then the UK is better off in control of it's own borders and laws.

    And yes the economy will nose dive because that's exactly what those in control of the markets will want, they all wanted the UK to remain so will makes things as hard as possible for the UK. Businesses will be angry because they will lose access to a cheap labour force.
  7. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    You two should look up the word "bigot", funnily enough I think it could very well be used to describe your views and the views of MANY of the self righteous on the left.
  8. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    and for what it's worth politically I'm in the centre, left AND right are complete knob wits IMO. Only difference is the left wing knob wits think their farts smell of roses (see South Park).
  9. Jake Fangio

    Jake Fangio Member

    Registriert seit:
    14. Juni 2015
    +22 / 0 / -0
    I voted conservative.:)
  10. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Januar 2015
    +594 / 0 / -0
    We are not "haemorrhaging money" to the EU, we pay a tiny amount of GDP towards it (and that's not even including the amount we get back).


    Nought point three seven percent.

    In context, we spend over 4% of our budget on 'defence', an ironic name for our armed forces who hardly have much defending to do. Cut the army by 1% and we cover the EU contribution with change (and I say that as someone with relatives recently in them).

    To pretend this is a financial thing and not a campaign inspired by former members of undeniably racism-fueled groups like the National Front is just fantasy, one even more transparent now that they've reneged on all financial promises made. Most commentary is focused on the best deal we can get "without free movement", which tells me the motivating feature here is preventing the improvement of our country to protect a false 'national identity' because people are too scared of change that has occurred that they've not kept up with.
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    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 30. Juni 2016
  11. Metalogic

    Metalogic Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    2. März 2016
    +234 / 0 / -0
    For the record, politically, just left-of-centre is probably where I'd position myself. I have no truck with extremism in any capacity, political, religious or otherwise.

    I've never been someone who bangs on it about it and moans when the party I supported at a particular general election doesn't get elected and the one I least-favoured gets in. At least if the winner makes a total hash of things there is a chance to vote them out at the next election. The problem with Brexit is that once we're out, that's almost certainly it, no way back, no second chance. Yet much less thought seems to have been given to the real consequences of leaving the EU than in the pre-election analysis of manifesto promises parties make in a general election, yet leaving the EU is probably going to have far greater impact than any recent change of government.

    This is one of the main reasons why so many "remain" voters are so angry and are not "letting it lie". At least being in the EU meant we had some influence over the way things developed.
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  12. Raaf

    Raaf Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    8. November 2015
    +30 / 0 / -0
    So, what if nobody invokes article 50?

    Cameron isn't going to do it, and before he steps down we are many months further, with no indication that anybody is willing to do it.
  13. James Cook

    James Cook Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    30. Januar 2015
    +1.013 / 0 / -0
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  14. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    Sigh, I should reword my point. by "the EU" I mean the organisation AND it's citizens. Would someone please work out exactly how much benefits EU citizens get, how much of the NHS they get for free and how much education their kids get for free. Add in the other aspect of the countries infrastructure that they use then the REAL figure is a lot more than the carefully prepared ones from the financial institutions (which ALL wanted to remain so had no vested interest, oh no of course not (sarcasm)). Statistics are lies only when used by the "other" side eh?

    Once again I'll state the right lied, the left equally lied the truth is in the middle, things were not as bad as the right painted but things are no where near as good as the left painted.

    And do you honestly think the UK was incapable of improving itself without the EU? I find that attitude shocking and no wonder considering there's people out there who think the EU created the NHS (yes I've seen those sort of comments online). The UK is MORE than capable of improving itself just like it HAS done over countless centuries. The UK does NOT need the EU for that and anyone who thinks so is deluded.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    Same here.

    Difference is I'm pissed off with the EU. Who cares if we don't get back in the EU? Honestly why? What EXACTLY did the EU do? Did it defeat the Nazis? did it create the NHS, did it create the welfare state? UK is STILL a part of Europe, why has that status been linked to a Political/Bureaucratic CONSTRUCT I'll never know. If people stopped being dicks on the subject and still let trade happen like it did before the EU was even a concept nothing will really change. It's like the EU has become some sort of "Utopian" Ideal for many and I just can't understand it at all.

    Leaving the EU will only have a far greater impact because those who don't want the UK to leave will make it hard by being petty minded turds.

    And in all fairness the UK had NO influence at all really.

    Interesting survey of voters published showed that well off people voted remain and those struggling voted leave, seems it was a "class" divide with the voting and shows that Britain's "classless" society was a myth. It's still the haves and the have nots and the have nots are so pissed off with being treated like crap they voted out.
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  16. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    Sorry for the language but as a disabled white male I am at the bottom of the pile as far as UK society is concerned and I'm fed up with it. No one in the UK gives a DAMN about how badly the sick and disabled were treated and it ALL started with Labour bringing in ATOS so no blaming of the Tories (albeit the Tory turds made it a millions times worse by targeting the Sick and disabled for cuts). Councils have SLASHED services for the disabled because of all the Austerity and still no one cared.

    Politically I have NO party to support, no party gives a damn about me. But I sure as hell am fed up of johnny come latelys jumping the queue with all the support they could wish for, while I struggle.
  17. nate

    nate Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. Januar 2015
    +875 / 0 / -0
    Could this not be because rather generally speaking, the wealthy are the better educated and in many cases the better informed? They have had the benefit of going through uni and furthering their education and understanding of the world beyond a secondary school level. Of course those less wealthy also attend higher learning and are smart, but the percentage of those in higher learning clearly favor the wealthy.

    Perhaps those most knowledgeable about this sort of topic understand the magnitude of the repercussions this may have not only for England, but across the region. Economically speaking, socially speaking, etc.

    The less educated often times vote against their best interests, even when it is smacking them in the face.

    In America, this is quite the phenomenon. For instance, whenever better healthcare is proposed, either by entirely revamping the system into something nationalized, or.... erm... the conservatives here dont really put up any proposals for that besides more privatization, but i digress there... Many people tend to vote against their own self interests because they hear expanded government and instantly think, "The gubment is comin' for my guns!" This is an exaggeration of the real mentality here, but this mentality is actually quite common.

    Im not saying this is the case with the Brexit vote in England, rather that there may be some other reason that there is an economic class divide on this issue other than the wealthy being self serving elites looking to keep the poor man in the ghetto.
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  18. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Registriert seit:
    23. April 2015
    +1.307 / 0 / -0
    Sounds like a classic case of Marx's "lumpen proletariat" :)
  19. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    really??? You're going THERE. Of course I'm uneducated and stoopid because I haven't gone to the loony left infested brainwashing institutions called universities and got some bit of paper that says I'm better than those without that bit of paper. How about we call for an IQ test on all the voters? That's what the loony left usually call for to try and "prove" things.

    I've read so much ludicrous bull from remainers to realise that a bit of paper from a university does not equal intelligence.

    The wealthy are more likely to be champagne socialists, are more likely to own businesses and want continued cheap labour, want cheap labour to clean their houses and cook their food and wash their cars.

    The poor are more likely to be out of work because of immigration, live AMONGST the Immigrants and see first hand the changes in a country.

    I'm getting out of this discussion because I'm going to flip and say something that'll get me banned.
  20. Leper Messiah

    Leper Messiah Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Februar 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    Why end there. Just send me to a gas chamber as I'm useless to society......