Is Raceroom more demanding than AC?

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von Dong Woo Kang, 22. Januar 2021.

  1. Dong Woo Kang

    Dong Woo Kang New Member

    Registriert seit:
    22. Januar 2021
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    Hi, Raceroom newbie here,

    I finally had the chance to try out this wonderful sim, and I was wondering if I'm getting the maximum performance out of my PC, because my hardware (i7-3770/GTX1060 3GB/16GB RAM, not the best in the world) doesn't seem to perform similarly to AC on medium to low settings doing singleplayer races.

    My 60hz monitor loses the smoothness unless the framerate exceeds 100FPS or Vsync is on. In AC, I can maintain 105~130FPS with 15 artificial idiots on track, whereas Raceroom frequently goes somewhere below 80, especially in the corners. Well, the comparison isn't exactly fair because I suppose both titles handle things like reflections and shadows differently.

    I always thought Raceroom was less hardware intensive than its competitors, but perhaps I'm wrong as of 2021 with all of the major updates? Still, really enjoying my first hours driving in this sim :)
  2. BeefMcQueen

    BeefMcQueen Well-Known Member Beta tester

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    26. Juni 2018
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    Hi @Dong Woo Kang there are some graphic settings in raceroom that are quite taxing fps wise, but can be dialed down without sacrificing optics too much. You already named some: Car reflections on medium and car shadows low still give a decent look. If you have motion blur enabled, be sure to switch to the fast render method instead of complex and it's strength to medium or low. A higher number of A.I. also can have a significant fps impact, depending on the single core potential of your CPU. You can have a look here. There's a graphics settings breakedown in the very first post. Hope it helps

  3. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    6. Oktober 2019
    +358 / 0 / -0
    Also "time acceleration" on a few tracks (Nordschleife, for example) drops FPS significantly.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  4. R.Noctua

    R.Noctua Well-Known Member

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    12. Dezember 2019
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    Mirriors total kill FPS on Nordschleife.
  5. Dong Woo Kang

    Dong Woo Kang New Member

    Registriert seit:
    22. Januar 2021
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    Thanks for the replies!! I haven't tried the Nords yet, I'm not very confident if I'll be able to run races there at an acceptable framerate. Thanks for pointing out time acceleration!!
  6. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

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    6. Oktober 2019
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    What's your monitor's resolution? My system is similar in terms of performance so I wouldn't expect yours to drop below 80 FPS regularly...
  7. Dong Woo Kang

    Dong Woo Kang New Member

    Registriert seit:
    22. Januar 2021
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    Mine's 1920×1080, I do get above 80FPS now with a few more things reduced, but it's not exactly consistent when I start from P16. So far I've been using Vsync combined with RTSS' framerate cap, a bit of input lag but it's not too noticeable so far.
    Here's my video settings, I kept things like AA on x4 and textures on medium. I read the guide on performance tweaks, but still if there's anything else I should try out, please let me know!!


  8. Vale

    Vale Well-Known Member

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    4. Juli 2019
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    80FPS is not terrible an above that you are not really going to notice much difference. I´d rather have a solid 80 than going up and down. It´s also track dependent so try Portimao or Paul Ricard, which are tend to run faster than Norsdchleife 24h, Macao or the newer Chinese tracks.
  9. Turtle Power

    Turtle Power Well-Known Member

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    21. März 2018
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    Overall, I've noticed a slight drop in FPS performance since the latest update. I mean, I love the latest update but even with my i9 9900k and 2080 super on triples, I see a bit more stuttering than usual. For example, Spa has some serious performance issues at some sections. . so annoying and never been fix for some reason. It is fair to say that Raceroom is still the best performing sim out there. ACC is just ridiculous, will fry your computer just like Cyberpunk topic now
  10. Dong Woo Kang

    Dong Woo Kang New Member

    Registriert seit:
    22. Januar 2021
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    It's just that when I drop below 100FPS, the game starts to look like it's running at framerates way lower than 60 (or is it constant microstuttering/frame pacing issues?) and becomes really disorienting, because it's not consistent and makes me feel odd when cornering. It happens across everything I own so I'm assuming it's down to my monitor.
  11. GooseCreature

    GooseCreature Well-Known Member

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    30. Mai 2015
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    I get serious fps drop randomly, changes from day to day. No matter what I have tried the framerate is poor or sensational, I go from 30fps to 170fps, GPU is running cool, I change nothing, no updates but it's total guesswork as to whether I get 100+fps or below 40fps. Was never like this before but for all of 2020 and so far in 2021, well since 2019's Christmas update I have had this problem. When you realise, up to mid 2019 I was using a GTX780 to run my triple 1080 monitors with nearly all settings to max and now with a GTX1080 I'm mid to low on all settings and can't get above 40fps, I think I would have noticed if S3 had changed the graphics engine (maybe), so why are a lot of people suddenly suffering graphically?
    All I have noticed is my GPU is maxed out, as in 100% usage, whenever RR runs, yet my CPU is only ticking over at about 35%, swear it should be the other way round. o_O
    On my PC at the moment RR has never looked as bad and never run so mind numbingly slow.
    Tomorrow it could be totally different of course but as it stands for me personally RR runs like a bag of nails. Graphically its poor and what with suffering with a wheel that could throw me into the wall without warning, even firing RR up feels like a chore.
    Can anyone also explain why, in Task manager, when RR is running there can be between 1 - 5 browsers open inside RR, I run exactly the same software to accompany RR every time, so why the variation in number of browsers running?
    Defo not enjoying the RR experience presently.
  12. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    6. Oktober 2019
    +358 / 0 / -0
    I turned vsync off and took a look, got the same issue actually - in some corners the game feels like FPS drops below 60 even when it's way above 100. I don't know what it really is or how to fix it except turning vsync on. I always play with vsync on because, thankfully, I don't feel any difference in input lag.
  13. Dong Woo Kang

    Dong Woo Kang New Member

    Registriert seit:
    22. Januar 2021
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    Yeah, exactly!! It's this problem combined with tearing that forces me to use some sort of vertical sync in sims that don't exceed 100~120fps. My card has a fast sync option which supposedly reduces latency, but looking on the internet generally people say it works best when the framerate exceeds double the refresh rate, consistently, which I can't manage in R3E. I tried fast sync with the frame capped to 60 on AMS2 and it did smooth things, but it felt like when I was turning, every time it was like the lateral movement was refreshing every 0.3~0.5s which made the scenery move in a very unnatural and distracting manner. Probably
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. nolive721

    nolive721 Well-Known Member

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    2. Dezember 2018
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    I would say yes from my own experience. I am running a Ryzen 5 3500X and VEGA 64LC both heavily OCed on 2 type of setup, a triple 1080p rig and a Plasma TV

    the Triple is the most demanding in terms of pixels and what I observe is that I can pull around 75fps with RRE depending on tracks with 20-24cars altogether and it gets closer to 100fps with AC as stock Game.

    But since I am also using the SOP/CSP mod in AC, then I am getting significant fps hit in overcast/rain conditions that brings me close to the 75fps I am getting in RRE

    but its not apple to apple comparison obviously, SOL Mod looks fantastic by the way, so hopefully Sector3 is working to bring rain/night/clouds in RRE soon so I could really advise:p
  15. Fleskebacon

    Fleskebacon Well-Known Member

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    I'm sensitive to stutters and inconsistent frametimes and such. Even Gsync is far from foolproof in this respect.

    The only way I found for stutter free gameplay on my previous 60 Hz screen was steady fps above 60 with vsync enabled.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. MattStone

    MattStone Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    6. März 2016
    +169 / 0 / -0
    Try using in game sync vs nvidias vsync
  17. GrimeyDog

    GrimeyDog Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. April 2017
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    Race Room FPS is weird!!!
    I play in Full 4k/3840 × 2160 but Even with a 10900k, DDR-4 4000 and 3080ti in a crowed of cars FPS Drop to 85!!! --> while AMS2 and ACC with 30 cars on Track I can maintain 120FPS!!! If I do get drops they are Nothing Drastic 110 FPS etc... I think its the DX9 engine race room is Built on thats showing its age--> Its still a Great Sim Racer so I just Vsync it at 60FPS through the GPU.

    Even weirder!!! when I set game reolution to 4k/3840 × 2160@60FPS and I turn on VRR with vsnync RRE shows 120FPS and stays Locked but image Quality takes a hit Its Not as Clear or sharp--> I think its just Doubling up the same image.. Now When I set game resolution to 4k @120FPS the FPS is all over the place 85 to 175+ <-- anything above My Max TV FPS(Samsung Q90t) it stutters and drive Me crazy but below 120FPS is silky Smooth... Problem is Vsync wont regulate the FPS with VRR on.

    How is it that ACC and AMS2 that are much more demanding Graphically can Stay at Mimimum 110 to 120FPS Max with No Stutter even if FPS drops to 110 but RRE cant???
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 7. Juli 2021
  18. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

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    6. Oktober 2019
    +358 / 0 / -0
    Why are you using Vsync and VRR at the same time? This doesn't make sense to me. If you want to limit your max FPS, there's a setting for that in nVidia control panel.
  19. Danny Michael

    Danny Michael Member

    Registriert seit:
    14. März 2021
    +12 / 0 / -0
    RaceRoom only uses 1 CPU core as far as I know.
  20. GrimeyDog

    GrimeyDog Well-Known Member

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    4. April 2017
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    It makes sense you can them both at the same time... VRR just keeps things smooth when your FPS are below your Max FPS and Vsync Limits the Max FPS so you dont go over your TV/Monitors Mas FPS....But Yup I tried to Limit FPS with the FPS Limiter Max at 120FPS with VRR on and that don't work either... My FPS Hit 175+ and kept going Up!!! So I quit out.... Its Only RRE ACC and AMS2 Vsync and FPS Limiter work

    RRE is Great and every update it keeps getting better... Just Really weird ACC and AMS2 that are more Demanding on the GPU Run Smoother/Cleaner at High FPS without issue... I would have thought because RRE is No Stress/Easier on the GPU that High FPS would be Run Butter Smooth...Even iRacing with all settings set to Max Runs Locked to120FPS and is Butter Smooth Not 1 Stutter I figured RRE would be the same.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 7. Juli 2021