Ideas And Suggestions! (features and game mechanics)

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von heppsan, 10. März 2015.

  1. brightHand

    brightHand Member

    Registriert seit:
    22. Juni 2015
    +23 / 0 / -0
    -directx 11 lighting and shaders (will cause r3e to destroy AC's graphics if implemented)
    -rain and night racing
    -3d grass
    -a track with firey autumn foliage
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  2. Elva

    Elva Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Juli 2015
    +22 / 0 / -0
    Actual time progress in replays would make my life easier. If I want to show someone a specific event in the race it's easier to tell him to go to 6:31 instead of "uhhh, go to right below the pause button... maybe a bit to the left" :D
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. MPN64

    MPN64 Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Juli 2015
    +59 / 0 / -0
    Make it possible to delete more than one replay/screenshot at the time.
    Include what layout is used in the track name field in race setup.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Arthur Spooner

    Arthur Spooner Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Februar 2015
    +432 / 0 / -0
    Have a look inside your documents folder:

    ...\Documents\My Games\SimBin\RaceRoom Racing Experience\ReplayData

    There you will find the replay files where you can delete as many of them as you like via file manager. I admit it's only a workaround since you have to leave RRRE to do so, but it's OK for me. :cool:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. MPN64

    MPN64 Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    1. Juli 2015
    +59 / 0 / -0
    Thanks, that is how I do it:) Just an suggestion to make life easier....
  6. SylverFyre

    SylverFyre Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    21. Juni 2015
    +78 / 0 / -0
    . DirectX 11 and soon, DirectX12 rendering. - the graphics are already great, but they could be even better.

    . Dynamic time of day. And by implication, night racing.

    . Dynamic weather. Even if it starts with dynamic lighting (moving clouds obscuring the sun) before full rain/wet track simulation, that would add character to races.

    . The option for more particle effects, like SPARKS :D for those with machines which can handle them.

    . More instruction / help with menu options. It's not always clear what the different things do, or what impact changing them will have. FOV for example, or contact shadow options.

    . More instruction / help with what racing rules are implemented in the server / offline race you're playing. Cut track rules, flag rules, pit stops etc are things I find/found confusing and while I'm new to this game, I'm not new to racing games/sims. I started with Sprint and Pole Position a long time ago, not that my skills reflect my experience ;)

    Having said all that. This game is fantastic and I'm really enjoying playing it. The feel and the sound are particularly excellent, but thanks to everyone who is working on it, including Mr Belowski for his Crew Chief add on.
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    • Wonderful Wonderful x 1
  7. opelman

    opelman Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    15. Mai 2015
    +33 / 0 / -0
    Ability to put virtual mirror on even the car's mirror are off. Kilometres per car would be nice. Some info in game for cars. Now you have to go store and dig it from there.
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 12. Juli 2015
  8. RuskyV

    RuskyV Member

    Registriert seit:
    25. Juni 2015
    +7 / 0 / -0
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  9. goldtop

    goldtop Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    18. Juni 2015
    +50 / 0 / -0
    The ability to adjust tyre pressures according to temperature has a massive influence on performance IRL and should be part of any racing game/sim imo.

    We really need a more complete tyre model as the current one is far too simplistic. The car sets should each have tyre type and choice appropriate to the year/series, the aim being to replicate performance as close as is feasible. A lot of work, but would go a long way towards a great racing game becoming a great racing sim.
  10. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
    +148 / 0 / -0
    Well the tire pressures are already simulated because this dashboard app shows them so changing tire pressures in setup menu might be possible in the future.
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  11. Markuz Juniuz

    Markuz Juniuz New Member

    Registriert seit:
    13. Juli 2015
    +1 / 0 / -0
    New guy here and I love this game. Best offline simulator for me currently.

    I would like to suggest the capability to change the name of the second driver from Me (2) into something else on ADAC GT Masters. Seeing the "(2)" ruins the immersion for me. If this can be done already please enlighten me. Thanks.
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  12. Arthur Spooner

    Arthur Spooner Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    5. Februar 2015
    +432 / 0 / -0
    Since RRRE is still using the gMotor physics engine, I wonder from the beginning why we are missing out on some of its features for so long already now. Maybe someone from S3S can correct me if I'm wrong here (I remember reading this at Racedepartment) or enlighten us about the issues they have regarding some of the physics features. I mean there must be a valid reason why there is no tyre pressure in setups. Or caster. ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. James Cook

    James Cook Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    30. Januar 2015
    +1.013 / 0 / -0
    There should be an option to drive under the names of the official drivers rather than our own.
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  14. Markuz Juniuz

    Markuz Juniuz New Member

    Registriert seit:
    13. Juli 2015
    +1 / 0 / -0
    That works fine with me too. No "(2)" please.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Robert Gerke

    Robert Gerke Member

    Registriert seit:
    2. Juni 2015
    +9 / 0 / -0
    The biggest weakness is currently nonexistent and unrealistic damage model, mainly physically. For all the love to the project, but without proper good and serious damage model, it is only a good racer with slight "Sim Elements", but must place themselves behind iRacing, rFactor2, pCars and Assetto, as a serious Simracer, sorry.

    Dear Devs, when can we here at last a step forward expect from you?
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2015
    +148 / 0 / -0
    I personally don't need the most crazy over the top realistic damage physics as I think time could be invested better elsewhere. I do think that there are some key elements that could be implemented. We have aero, engine and gearbox damage. Aero only triggers when you lose your spoiler, engine damage triggers when you run into a wall or another car with high velocity and gearbox gamage triggers when failing engaging the clutch. I don't know if wear (over revving for example) damages these components.

    I think when you add the following damage elements you'll get a long way in improving damage without moving towards a crazy Wreckfest model:

    Radiator - When hitting your car head on with an object not hard enough to destroy your engine it might be interesting to damage the radiator causing your engine to lose power over time. (Radiator damage = true, engine power - 1% every 10 seconds, maybe based on how hard you continue to drive it?)

    Suspension - There could be two ways to damage your suspension. When hitting your car sideways with an object you will destroy it causing you car to steer to one side. When you hit a high cerb too hard you will damage it to a point where the car will steer slightly to one side under braking because weight transfer will not be supported as well anymore. You might get a puncture eventually because the tire is rubbing against the body.

    Tires - Hitting a cerb or wall too hard will cause a puncture. (tire grip - 40%?)

    Advanced aero - Deforming your aero will cause more drag and therefore will slow down your car on the straights. (There should be parameters in the game that change when you visually damage your hood or bumper so adding an int to that to create drag/decrease top speed might be easy? I don't know how the system is setup.)

    There is a lot more you could ad, but as I said I think time has to be invested in other areas as well so this way you can add a couple of elements without investing multiple sprints (or hours) into the damage model.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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    • Useful Useful x 1
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 13. Juli 2015
  17. kris_peeters

    kris_peeters Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Mai 2015
    +19 / 0 / -0
    in Race07 all cars had their own damage files which you could even edit yourself to tweak how sensitive you wanted the car damage to be. These damage files were very elaborate and complete.
    If they were able to make these files so good almost 9 years ago, i see absolute no reason why they wouldn't be able to do it again now.

    To me damage modelling of the car is one of most important things in a racing simulator. Without it you are just driving an arcade racing game ( doesn't matter how well the physics model of the cars is ) . Racing is all about going as fast as you can without making a mistake, because in real life making a mistake most of the time will result in a crash that will end your race. It therefore baffles me that almost all new 'racing simulators' seem to ignore this most essential part of racing, and built their cars like they are indestructible tanks you can crash into the barriers or into each-other at 120 km/h or faster without resulting in any damage what so ever.
    In a "racing simulator" i want to see a true to life damage model ( mechanical damage model that is, not talking about how the cars look from the outside after a crash, because i can understand that there may be some licensing restrictions from car manufacturers there ).

    Now i understand that not everybody wants that kind of punishing realism level, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be in the game. Make a true to life damage model and give the players an option to use it or not ( just like the players can choose between the Novice, Amateur, and Get Real mode ).

    As an extra bonus i also think that a true to life damage model would make online races much more interesting because impatient and reckless behaviour will have dire consequences for your race. It will force every serious racer to truely think about his on track racing actions, while the bobo's who are there just to try and crash into as many cars as they possibly can, will be out of the race soon enough ( with minimal collateral damage ).
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  18. heppsan

    heppsan Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Januar 2015
    +1.268 / 0 / -0
    What goes for the visual damage I think the one we got is pretty good.
    But it's too insensitive, and when it comes to the in depth damage model it's really lacking! (at least on "Realistic")

    It really needs to be more impact off the accidents when it comes to the performance of the cars after incidents! (This would also add more variety and life to the AI races)

    I like your inputs, but in addition to what you wrote we also need engine blowouts, overheating, oil leaks etc.
    And to this we might need dark smoke implemented for cars on the side of the road, depending on the damage done.
    Also sparks for chassis bottoming out on the road / curbs, and maybe for some car to car contact, and also when flat tires occur.
    The visual things is not the important things first of though.

    Spot on!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Emerson Meyer

    Emerson Meyer Well-Known Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Januar 2015
    +61 / 0 / -0
    Damage files are around since GTR2.
  20. opelman

    opelman Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    15. Mai 2015
    +33 / 0 / -0
    Pace car. Maybe some grid girls. And the last round flag.
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