15-09-2015 Updated the game with new content that will be unreleased very soon, Game: Updated Steamworks SDK to latest version. Fixed a crash that was occurring if rev leds failed to initialize on Fanatec hardware. Art: Suzuka - Removed the floating truck in the pitwall.
Aahw no new features, but SPA is good enough. Ooh and by the way, 'unreleased', does that mean that we will never have this content?
I was quite fond of that truck. I even made friends with the guy who was stuck in the truck, his name was Ralph and I would bring him samiches during caution periods. I'll miss Ralph.......
Guess Chief Wiggum's glad to have him back - who else than Ralphie would get managed to get stuck with a truck at Suzuka ?
I have a big issue with my mouse, it is still in movement up, and is hard to move in menus, also my controller setup is mess up. Because of mouse issue i have no possibility to click an change my advanced setups. When I click on the option it is autoaticaly described to middle mouse button. The game is unplayable anymore for me. Somebody help me please?... I have G27 Logitech wheel.
Yes, because my problem begins after (like in the main tittle): "15-09-2015 RaceRoom has Ben updated"
Great Fairman. Discovered the identity of the truck driver and made reference to the OP at the same time (with that caption). Double play!
Thanks for you support everything is allright now, updated works great, and... you know... The Game is great! Full speed at Eau Rouge will seduce me to get track of Spa. Thanks for video.