27-07-2015 - Fixed some resolution and refresh rate related issues that were causing problems specifically for players using Windows 10. - Game now correctly starts in full screen if the monitor is 59hz, instead of starting in safe resolution. Please note Windows 10 seems to sometimes pass certain 60hz monitors as 59hz even if it states 60 in the system. - Added additional logging functionalities to catch in-game browser issues.
Just wanted to report that the update has fixed my 0xC000005 error on Win10 (it was related to the resolution issue). Thanks Sector3, i can now finally play R3E on Win10. You guys rock!
This also fixed the 2014 DTM menu problem on free weekend (as it,s still on) but now it crash after loading the track/car. It,s an 0xC000005 error but I only get it on 2014 DTM Experience in free mode.other stuff, free and bought work correct.
well i guess i was a bit too quick with my praise. When i got the update notification i quickly launched R3E to see if its fixed and it actually started and i got to the main menu, which was a big improvement already However, i didn't have time to properly test it and closed the game right away. Now after seeing MPN64's comment about DTM2014 I tried to launch it again and guess what...the 0xC000005 error came back again (right after launching). So i'd like to correct myself: You guys still somehow rock, but PLEEEASE get this one fixed, Win10 will be released on Wednesday and R3E is currently the only thing that would hold me back from getting rid of Win8 entirely. I've put my support ticket to 'resolved' already, guess that's not reversible. I'll post my crash dumps here instead Edit: I was able to re-open my ticket, reference is 16815, just in case someone wants to look into it RIGHT NOW... thanks
Hi, Sorry to hear you guys are still having issues. Woozie Can you let me know what refresh your monitor uses? The OS sends 64 according to the logs.
I still have an issue with Windows 10 : I use Nvidia Surround (3 screens). In R3E, I can choose the right resolution 48:9 at 5880x1080 but it works only on 2 screens. If I use "full screen" option, the game tells me if I want to keep the change or not but at this moment, I can't validate by clicking on the button... and it craches... Everything is fine with PCARS, iRacing and AC.
Hi Sonat, thanks for your reply and sorry for my late answer, i wasnt around last week. My screen is a TV running on 60Hz. However, it now seems to work again after i deleted the option files under my documents and let the game recreate them. I'll let you know if i run into this error again. Thanks
Erwan960, I'm having the exact same issue. Did you find a solution? Having to play in window mode at the moment, which is far from ideal.
I finally found what was wrong: in surround mode, SLI wasn't properly activated with R3E, which had the effect of disturbing the screen connected to the second graphics card when the full screen was activated. To remedy this, simply apply the following settings in the profile Race Room with Nvidia Inspector: SLI_GPU_COUNT_TWO SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_DX10_TWO SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_TWO SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_DX10_FORCE_AFR2 SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_FORCE_AFR2 SLI_RENDERING_MODE_FORCE_AFR2