You bring up very good points. I would like to see a statement or some kind of official thing from the developers that everybody can understand why ''this and that'' is not in the Sim... Is it Money, production costs or are some of the manufacturers just ignorant or a combination of everything. A lot of people including me just don't really know whats going on behind the scenes and how hard is it to get some things into the sim. That way we could point out all the crybabys to the statement to maybe shut them up.
I don't think they want to say too much about it as they don't want the risk of it potentially affecting their relations with a manufacturer. It's kinda similar as to why you often don't get a straight no in gaming development. Because things can always change and they don't wish to upset their customers.
Great post! Want to see other GT3‘s in R3E but we are getting the same answears everytime. „We know that the GT3 class is the most liked class in the game but we can not talk more about our plans“ I think no one needs any detailed answears but why the guys let their most liked class in the game in such a shadow?
The pre-configured championships for GT Masters and DTM were all removed, so I don't expect those options to return. Wikipedia will probably be the easiest reference.
I can forgive if they bring more LMP cars and create the GTE class, together in an update with the glorious Le Mans in the package... Ok Fuji, Catalunya, Daytona or Interlagos then, and of course, free Brands Hatch Grand Prix.
The missing manufacturers need to show up in raceroom. At the moment it's the only sim on the market that is in a very good state of development and it's not abandoned (pcars 2, ac). I don't understand how does ferrari, lamborghini and aston don't see that. I know we have got acc coming but let's face it it's not there yet and for a lot of us it may never get there (hardware demand, look and feel of ue4). And even then if it is successful (which i hope for) it's best to be in all the good sims isn't it? Boggles my mind how serious supercar manufacturers are willing to present their cars in silly arcade games and forbid their presence in products that do their best to replicate the cars as true to life as possible with todays technology. Hope they'll wake up soon and realise that kids on xbox have far less money than middle aged simracers with their wallets sitting waiting (no offence to anybody young here intended)
Here are the Mercedes-AMG teams of ADAC GT Masters 2018 HTP Motorsport | Mercedes-Benz AssenheimerMulfinger | Zakspeed
No offence, but can someone explain to me via logical, mature reasoning why it is so unbelieveably important to always must have the latest, newest, most shiny authentical grids, tracks 'n cars to simply enjoy RRE, I mean just to enjoy it above all other ????? All tracks and cars are fine "handcrafted" pieces with a lot attention to every detail, mostly perfectly polished an QAed (dispite some candidates that allow modded components - you'll never know what you really get - and of course S3 has to patch as well here and there) always aiming the best balanced performance.. I do understand the attraction of "doin it like Daddy in his real racecar", but tbh. in the end for me it is not more like that notion or compulsion that also children get when teased with shiny colored shopwindows (or Daddys fascinating toys) and massive marketing (western style) that notoriously is targeting such notions to sell you every shit they want (customer conditioning). By following such compulsions you just take away a lot of joy from yourself by getting lost into details & demands that have absolutely nothing to do with the sheer process of enjoying your simracing title. Hell, I don't even see or notice those liveries when rushing down the Fuchsröhre with 250 k/mh (Just the very pretty ones catch my attention if any.....) or even being bothered because some minor details on the track are not quiet right . Of course you're free to do whatever you want, just some food for thought from my side.... For every logical, mature, non-biased or emotionally distorted answer I give a free virtual beer be fair, as I've said previously I'm not really fussed about the individual cars or liveries as such. I have my favourite cars and some of them aren't in the game (Aston V12 vantage in case you're bothered) and that's fine, it is what it is. And when it comes to tracks...I have them all but only regularly drive on maybe 6 of make of that what you will.... However.... When a post says "ADAC GT 2018 is coming to raceroom", then for my mind that is what should happen. Otherwise a more correct statement would be "new skins featuring some cars...etc etc". If someone, let's say codemasters, said they were bringing out f12018 buy unfortunately mercedes, Ferrari and Williams aren't in it so you just have to pretend they don't exist there would, understandably, be hell on. If all this had been announced as a new track and a few new skins I don't think half of the comments would have been posted, after all new content is always good...even if it's not to an individual's taste. But to announce it as something that in reality it isn't just misses the mark for me. As you say though, as for enjoyment of the game in general, it makes little difference. I suppose it's a fine line for the devs, on the one hand it would be good to polish what we already have and work new features into the game (such as multiclass) but then if there isn't new content coming out the game may be seen as stagnant from the perspective of potential new players. I've forgotten what I started out to say so that's it.... A phrase I like to knock out every now and again is...."opinions are like ar5eh0les, everyone has one and most of them stink" The end.
Everybody should know what "ADAC GT 2018 is coming to raceroom" means, because we already have previous versions of this championship and they didn't include every car. Lamborghini and Porsche are not included in the ADAC GT 2015. So i'm very surprised some people expected to see Ferrari and Lamborghini in the 2018 version.
That was then, this is now. TCR 2018 has all's not such a stupid conclusion for someone to arrive at given the manner in which it is stated. It's a point of principle I suppose. In any case it doesn't matter, none of this really matters in the grand scheme of things. We are all just weirdos pretending to be racing drivers after all....
I mean c'mon... Dont tell me you would not love to hear that lambo or ferrari engine in raceroom, done by those guys it would be pure earporn.
I get your point. Somehow i always had an impression that the lambo exhaust noise was more raw and screamy if thats a word. I will watch some utube when i get home, it is quite possible im imagining things. Still i think these boys work would shine with those cars
S3S released 11 cars since August last year, reworked a bunch of physics and added a lot of functional content. Maybe time just ran short.
Guys, I forgot to add that its not about my observations/critics about others but "about my self-observations and reflections, cause between 2002 -2010 I'd been a total simnerd. Every f****** detail had to be right, I would have forced every driver to use cockpitview and hardcore settings on- and offline, if I could. Downloaded tons of mods (GTR2)to get my Grids straight (for authenticity) and the game to my "liking" and even wouldn't like to start any race without anything in place. And so in the end I felt I crossed the line from fandome and simply enjoying simracing to becoming slightly fanatic, well, actually more a kinda neurotic /obsessed and occupied with any shit around it instead of just enjoying what I had and learned until any joy and comfort left me while simracing...simply because I developed unhealthy/unrealistic expectations (obsessions) about myself and also my little hobby.... I stopped in 2010 and returned 2014 with RRE (accidentally) - to my relief I could maintain a healthy and harmonious relationship with "My Sim" by simply stepping back from time to time to start a reality check PS: Regarding the topic : I find the 2018 GTM Skinpack more or less obsolete but an opportunity /gesture for those interested in that series to upgrade their GTM collection (a little )
Definitely important to maintain a healthy balance.... I ruined a relationship by spending to too much time faffing with sims. Now life comes first and if I get an hour or two spare a week play at being a racing driver then I'm happy with that.