For sure. I'll re-seat the card shortly and update you guys. I don't know how it would fix things, but hey, i'm reaching out to you guys for help right! lol
i overclocked my gtx 750 and got all the graphic setting set as high as possible. fps went from 61 to 29 ish. with amazing new graphics. cannot complain.
i overclocked my gtx 750 sc right before loading RR. 2 days ago. it took 30 minutes to load since i had not played for weeks. i was able to adjust graphic settings to high where as before they were all grayed out and not adjustable. i went from 61 fps to 29ish BUT the graphics are amazing. flames spitting ,tyre marks and smoke. the sun setting! much more enjoyable. dont laugh because i have a gtx 970 and gtx 1080 ti yet to be tested. i5 6 core 2.8 . my i7 6core. 4,2? next. if you are not enjoying your gameplay try diff. setup just to better under stand what is now offered by RR. i have not unclocked to see what is really happening because i am really enjoying the play. Nino
also from my experience seeking higher FPS .RR seems to give more looks with powerfull GPU than sheer FPS. stock 750 and 970 both maxed at 61 fps.
MR pixeljetstream!!! - if i could send you a bottle of the finest champagne, i would! It seems that, FOR OVER 4 YEARS, i have had my RTX 2070 SUPER in the PCIE X4 GEN 2 SLOT, instead of the correct PCIE X16 GEN 3 I opened my pc case and could see straight away what the issue was. I built my pc years back, and must've put my gpu in the wrong slot (obviously!). I re-slotted the gpu into the CORRECT pcie x16 gen 3 slot, powered up my pc, span up raceroom and BAM - redbull ring, hocks, and even nords all ran flawlessly with stable fps, even with a fair amount of cars on track. And to think, for YEARS, all the sims I've had issues with, mainly because of the gpu being in a gen 2 x4 slot! Mate, i owe you a drink. You're elevated to legendary status my friend. Thanks to all, of course, who assisted me on this odyssey of discovery!
No worries, nothing owed (working at NVIDIA I already got a share from you ). Glad you're using the hardware to full extent now.
Ehm, is it possible to screw up while doing this? Just went to the nvidia control panel, added raceroom as a program thats supposed to use custom settings, set power management to performance and left the rest on the global choices (which id assume have always been applied so far?) and now cant start raceroom anymore/get stuck on the first loading screen. Ive tried verifying files, restarting the pc and removing raceroom from the list of programs, all with no success. Dont think the game is down either because i can navigate through store/competitions etc in the browser just fine and there seem to be plenty of people on the ranked servers. Update: just as i was about to post this i actually got an error 503, portal services unavailable. So maybe game side afterall? Update: was able to drive again without any issues so probably a momentary game side issue
Hey! I had a similar issue after the update. It's often a driver problem—check if your RTX drivers are up to date. Also, try turning off features like SSAO or shadows in the game settings, as they can really impact FPS after an update. If that doesn't help, try rolling back to an older driver or resetting the game's config files. This worked for some people.