Resolved Game does not run on track, loading screen all the time and game crashes

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by Davidov88, Aug 21, 2023.

  1. Davidov88

    Davidov88 New Member

    Aug 21, 2023
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Dear team,
    I am writing this post to see if you can help me.

    I have been trying for 2 days to enter "Raceroom" but it is impossible. Out of 20 attempts, I've only managed to play 3 times. The problem occurs in both online and offline mode.

    When I click on "start race" the loading screen appears, but I don't end up appearing on the track with the car.

    After leaving the game on hold for a long time, the following crash appears (attached to the OP).
    I've tried uninstalling the game, checking the installation cache on Steam, and also deleting the game content from the "My Documents" folder.

    Can you help me to clarify this problem?

    Thanks in advance.

    Attached Files:

  2. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +431 / 0 / -0
    What does it say when it crashes? Are your drivers and OS updated?
  3. Muzarati

    Muzarati Active Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    +27 / 0 / -0
    sounds familiar?
  4. Davidov88

    Davidov88 New Member

    Aug 21, 2023
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Game crashed (exception code 0xC0000005)

    The .dmp of the crash is saved and I have shared it here.

    Yesterday after this crash, I hit play and loaded everything with noramlity, and I was able to practice on track for 40 minutes. The rest of the times, it repeats what I say, infinite loading time, and if I leave the loading screen, after a few minutes I get the crash.

    Operating system updated and graphics drivers also updated.
  5. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +431 / 0 / -0
    Nope, never had that issue and don't remember the last time anyone reported the same...

    If it crashes while loading, it might be caused by some connection issue. In this case a common advice is to try a VPN.
  6. Muzarati

    Muzarati Active Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    +27 / 0 / -0
    I've had the game randomly hanging at the loading screen for the last 12 months, I have posted here many times asking for help but so far still dealing with it.
    I don't let it sit for so long though so not sure if it eventually crashes, I have to sign out to kill the process as task manager becomes unresponsive as well! Tried a VPN but didn't seem to help? :(
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  7. Muzarati

    Muzarati Active Member

    Jan 27, 2018
    +27 / 0 / -0
    Just happen to me now! :(
  8. Davidov88

    Davidov88 New Member

    Aug 21, 2023
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I seem to have solved the problem by using a proton VPN (Free).
  9. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +431 / 0 / -0
    Ah, of course. I forgot about that...