Hi, trying to play with Manjaro+Steam/Proton 9 or Experimental. I didn't try any more. 32 bit version works 64bits launcher gives error 0xE06D7363 DXVK launcher gives error 0xE06D7363 VR launcher gives error 0xE06D7363 RRE Dump included Proton log included Update 1: Disconnecting my Fanatec DD fixed the error... but I can't play. I'm using gotzl driver from AUR repository: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hid-fanatecff-dkms Update 2: Fixed itself somehow maybe running winecfg or wine control.
Well, it seems to have solved itself somehow... running wine control or winecfg WINPREFIX=/home/<myuser>/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/211500/pfx/ wine control
It's a known issue between the Fanatec linux driver and proton version. 2 workarounds available: do what I did or select some proton version like 5 or 6. https://github.com/gotzl/hid-fanatecff