does raceroom have any further support other than this community hub? Thought to take advantage of the current sale and bought the full game! Hopeful this issue can be eventually sorted....
You can also join Discord, The devs are aware of this crashing issue and are looking for solution.
Update. After @Maskerader's comment - 'That's a disconnect, not a game or driver problem.' I decided to remove the ethernet link and run the game over wifi only. This initially did seem to solve the issue, but I didn't get much track time to test fully before the 19th Dec update which noted the issue I amongst others were having has been patched. So far I have complete maybe 20 races and the issue has not re-appeared. Rating is subsequently back to 90+ thus so far... Good news. I'm going to re-connect the ethernet cable and see if the issue is indeed sorted. finger x. Again thankyou to all that contributed to this thread. I'd class xmas over, so I'll leave you all with best wishes for the new year!