Post your R3E Screenshots

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KW Studios, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    Home boy of Sweden Jimmi Karlsson in # 22 is being chased through turn # 5 by a herd of touring cars at Zandvoort_GP Tuesday. Karlsson comes in eighth.

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  2. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    A Spaniard Adri Gil was really dressed out showing off his colors Tuesday at Zandvoort_GP. Gil finishes twelfth.

  3. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    At Zandvoort_GP Tuesday Laurent Peris of France # 86 in his ALL- Honda leads American Brandon Lehman # 18, #16 Gábor Szentesi Hungary and Belgium's Jos Schouppe # 88 through the first turn. Peris ends in sixteenth, Lehman twenty fifth, Szentesi fifteenth and twenty first for Schouppe.

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  4. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    A pair of group 5's go through turn # 2 led by Greece's F. Zisoglou in a Zakspeed Capri and being chased by a BMW 320 turbo driven by Luxembourg's H. van der Werf. Zisoglou won his class and fourth overall. Werf took fifth in class and fourteenth overall at the "Big Ole Oil Bottle Fifteen" multiclass race at Hockenheimring-GP Thursday.

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    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
  5. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    E.Reining of Luxembourg going through turn #12_Sachs with his Zakspeed Capri. Reining finish second in class and fifth overall in this multiclass race at Hockenheimring-GP Thursday.

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  6. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    In the DTM 2020 class UK's A. Darnell in the # 99 and D. Bader of Germany in the # 53 round the corner # 6 hairpin. Darnell took third in class and overall and Bader comes in at second in class and overall, at Hockenheimring-GP Thursday.

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  7. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    M. Bartholm in the # 16 of Denmark is chasing J. Eiburger of Germany in the # 92 out of the hairpin # 6 turn in the DTM 2021 class. Bartholm ends second in class eleventh overall and Eiburger was first in class and ninth overall at Hockenheimring-GP Thursday.

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  8. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    Spain's G. Moldes # 86 just does not like A. Szuh # 1 from Hungary coming out of turn # 1. Moldes finishes ninth and Szuh ends in twenty fifth on this Dutch racetrack at Zandvoort-GP Friday.

  9. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    A four pack goes through turn # 10_Bocht led by S. Wirker of Germany. Wirker ends in sixteenth Friday at Zandvoort-GP.

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  10. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    M. Aoudia of Algeria # 11 is being chased through the first turn at Zandvoort-GP Friday. Aoudia comes in twenty sixth.

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  11. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
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    Last edited: May 11, 2022
  12. Hendrick

    Hendrick Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2020
    +64 / 0 / -0
    Free Access Gallery ;)




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  13. Andy Kettler

    Andy Kettler Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Jan 15, 2015
    +1,111 / 0 / -0
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  14. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    Melvin Åkesson of Sweden charges up the hill to turn # 7 (Scheivlak) at Zandvoort-GP Saturday. The swede came in tenth.

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  15. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    N. Bobo and his Saleen S7R of the U. S. comes out of turn # 8-Samsung for a second in class and fourth overall at Portimao-GP Sunday. M. Bartmann and his Mercedes AMG of Germany behind Bobo takes second in class and sixth overall.

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  16. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    France's F. Mary goes through turn # 9-Graig Jones guiding his FR3 into a win in class and fifth overall Tuesday at Portimao-GP.

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  17. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    In the KW suspension 30 at Portimao-GP Tuesday F. Czyszkowski of Germany driving a Link Co. starts in the 11th spot behind Germany's L. Czyszkowski in a Honda in tenth, ninth is held down by a Lada Vista of U.S.'s M. Simmons and a Mexican's Lada Vista driven by M. Ocram1959a starts eighth. By the time they reach the first corner F. Czyszkowski is in eighth, the Honda banging on the back door of the Link. Followed by the Mexican and Simmons acting as tail gunners. In the hairpin on the third lap the Link goes deep and slides to the outside and the Honda shoots by. The Link falls behind the Honda to ninth and the two Ladas of Ocram1959a and the American in pursuit. Ocram1959a makes his move at the start/finish line on the Link of F. Czyszkowski of the fourth lap putting him in fifth place. F. Czyszkowski falls to sixth with the Honda of L. Czyszkowski showing the path forward. The four are like cheetahs on a mission to the front. Honda, Lada Vista of Ocram1959a, Link and the Lada Vista of the American. On the seventh turn of the fifth lap the Honda and Lada Vista of the Mexican are trading paint. Both slide to the outside of seven. The Mexican wins the paint trade and jumps into second place in the race with the Honda, Link and the Lada Vita of Simmons chasing them. In the eighth turn the link driven by F. Czyszkowski starts a family fight by pulling up on the right rear of the family Honda and hits him and takes over third place in the race. The four picks off the first-place car with no problem by the sixth lap. Ocram1959a's yellow Lada and the blue Link of F. Czyszkowski are pushing each other around in first and second corners of the sixth lap. They are trying to fit two cars in one spot. In the third turn the Mexican crosses under the Link and shoots passed him to take the lead. In the eleventh turn the Mexican cuts to the inside and doesn't clear the Link and spins out. Now it's a German family fight, the Link and the Honda. The Mexican spins out a second time and leaves the race. Simmons is a half of a lap behind. Going into the fourteenth turn of the seventh lap the Honda shows the Link how it's done by moving him out of the way to take first. The Link stays close behind the Honda then beats the Honda into turn seven on the eighth lap to take the lead. At the start/finish line on the ninth lap the Honda hits the Link in the right rear and moves him over to the left. Both side by side headed for one. The Honda brakes and the Link goes deep. The Link loses it and turns right and cuts across the nose of the Honda and into the grass sideways and recovers it on the track beautifully. This guy has more lives than a cat. He is only a car length behind. The Link follows the Honda until the hairpin when the Link pulls up to the Honda and overtakes him. Both are pushing each other around. The Link comes out ahead and they head for turn six. The Honda follows until turn fourteen where he beats the Link to the turn and pushes the Link wide. They are side by side until turn two when the Honda takes the lead. On lap ten the Link hits the back bumper a couple of times to let the Honda know that's my spot you got. Give it back. The Link goes deep into the hairpin and goes wide and the Honda crosses under to keep the lead. The Link tries to dive bomb the thirteenth turn but still loses to the Honda. The Link try's again in the second turn of the eleventh lap and still comes up short. They are still trading paint and can't come up with a deal. The Link again tries to brake late going into the hairpin from the inside and he comes out ahead of the Honda. Simmons is a quarter of a lap back. In the seventh corner the Link goes wide, and the Honda takes the lead. The Link follows the Honda going into the eleventh corner. The Link drops out of the race and into the pits at 24:30/thirteenth lap, followed by the Honda and Simmons wins the race.







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    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
  18. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    In the BrothersOps 5 Canada's M. Trebzy with his Saleen S7R leads E. Fog's FR X-17 from the U.S. through turn # eleven at RR Bridge Sunday.

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  19. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    It was a sunny day in Mont Vinaigre, France. Home of Raceroom Raceway Monday. Temperature was at 26 C and sunny. Track temperature was at 29 C and Germany's A. Sonnborn was on the pole with a time of 1:34.925 for this Dunlop 20 Silhouette GP race. Sonnborn was off the line slow and faded to third. J. Fucke of Germany took over until W. Lurkys Rorzhak of Spain took the lead at 1:17 in the first lap. Fucke fights and gets the lead back at 2:01 on the second lap. Rorzhak push's Fucke out of the way and Rorzhak and Sonnborn and France's C. Boeckler breezes by in the second lap/2:46, Fucke falls to fourth. Sonnborn spins putting Boeckler in second at 2:55 on the third lap. At 3:35 on lap three Boeckler takes the lead. Rorzhak and Boeckler are beating each other up until Boeckler DQ's out at 5:07 on lap 5. Sonnborn is a quarter of a lap back but gaining fast on Rorzhak. Sonnborn retakes the lead and cruises to the win when Rorzhak overshoots the second chicane at lap six/9:27 and spins out.

    J. Fucke of Germany leads W. Lurkys Rorzhak of Spain through the first chicane at RR-GP Monday. Fucke finishes third and Rorzhak finishes second.


    R. Martin of Spain lead France's C. Boeckler through turn # ten at RR-GP Monday.
    Martin comes in fourth and Boeckler eighth.


    W. Lurkys Rorzhak of Spain spins J. Fucke of Germany out of the way with Germany's A. Sonnborn following. Rorzhak takes second, Fucke third and Sonnborn wins at RR-GP.

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    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022
  20. Nash Bobo

    Nash Bobo Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
    +386 / 0 / -0
    At Brands Hatch Wednesday we saw Mr. Iceman of Luxembourg on the pole with a time of 46.552 in the ST suspensions 15. It was a sunny day with the temperature of 25 C. At the start Klaus Kinigadner of Austria jumps from fourth to second before the second turn with Iceman about ten car lengths out in front. Iceman gets hit by Kinigadner and gets loose in turn # 2 on the sixth/4:26 lap and Kinigadner takes the lead. Iceman falls to second. At lap 7/5:09 Iceman loses the Tatuus and goes into the gravel coming out of turn # 1 and slides to fourth. Thor Ole Vold of Norway takes second. Third goes to Norway's Mr MartinK with José Meneses of Spain riding in fifth. Kinigadner for some unknown reason slows and falls to fifth at 7/5:37 lap with Iceman in fourth. Now it's, Vold, MartinK, Meneses, Iceman and Kinigadner. Iceman sees Kinigadner closing fast and is trying to block. Kinigadner disposed of Iceman by roughing him up by their wheels locking together, Iceman gets loose and fades, but Kinigadner gets by at the 7/5:46 lap. Kinigadner wants this win bad for his sponsor, but he has his work cut out because of slower traffic. About fifteen car lengths are between Kinigadner and Meneses. Lap 8/6:30 Meneses goes wide coming out of 6_Clark's curve headed for the front straightway. Kinigadner shoots by under him. One down three to go. Putting traffic down and about six lengths to MartinK. Maybe the boss will give him a raise if he pulls this off for the sponsor. Kinigadner bobbles in turn # 1 of lap 9/6:55 but recovers. Kinigadner is there and MartinK's mirror is full of Kinigadner at lap ten/8:03. At lap 11/8:20 in the first turn Kinigadner pressure's MartinK to go wide and Kinigadner starts to smell glory. Vold is about twenty lengths up going into turn # 2. Both are going through traffic. By the beginning of lap 15/11:22 about ten lengths separate Kinigadner and is prey. Traffic is a problem for both. By lap 17/13:00 Kinigadner is filling Vold's mirror. Vold has his foe beside him in the first turn locking wheels with him at lap 18/13:54. Vold stumbles and Kinigadner goes on to win. Vold ends in second, Meneses takes third, fourth for MartinK, Iceman ends with thirteen and Kinigadner wins

    Kinigadner turns Iceman in the turn # 2 of the 6/4:26 lap


    M. Farrens of the U.S. # 42 and Klaus Kinigadner lead a group through turn # 2 on the 1/00.35 lap at Brands Hatch. Farrens takes seventh and Kinigadner wins.


    ERG Chavorro of Spain coming out of turn # 4 at Brands Hatch on 1/00:42 lap. Chavorro ends in eleventh.
