Pro & Legendary packs question?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dimitar Yankov, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. Dimitar Yankov

    Dimitar Yankov Member

    Sep 13, 2024
    +5 / 0 / -0
    Hello! I'm new customer to RR (less than 2 months) and I aready have:
    -Starter pack
    -Drivers pack
    -Porsche pack 2023
    -BMW pack 2024
    -Europian Track Pack
    -American Track Pack
    -Eastern Track Pack
    -DTM 1992
    -DTM 1995
    -DTM 2016
    -DTM 2020
    -WTCR 2019
    -WTCC 2013
    -WTCC 2017
    -Hockenheimring Classic

    If you calculate, you can easily find out that I've already spent more, just to have less than what curent Premium Pack cost is and can offer me. Some will say I'm stupid, but I don't mind spend a little bit more just to have what I need, I enjoy and I currently want to have and leave the Premium option for later in the future, when I decide it's worth it or I want it. It's also my way to show my support to the team behind the game, that I apreatiate and value what they are doing to entertain me in my free time.

    My question is why the Pro and Legendary packs overlap so much in termes of content incuded, which for a guy like me that decided to take the "Packs path" makes no sence to buy them now and in the future in their current shape.

    I know the content you aready have is excluded from the total price of the pack and we are not double charged for what we aready have, but still putting aside the individual small packs and track packs I have, the overlap in the biger packs is still there, which makes them less attracive to get in the future atleast from my POV.

    Things that overlaps in the packs
    Starter / Pro packs
    Laguna Seca

    BMW M6 GT3
    BMW M235i

    Pro / Legendary packs
    Mid Ohio
    Sonoma Raceway
    Laguna Seca

    Group 5
    DTM 1992

    Just my 2 cents about this.
    Thanks for reading and happy simracing!
  2. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +431 / 0 / -0
    While most packs in the game combine cars/tracks based on a theme (like Legends experience that is about vintage racing), Starter and Pro packs aren't theme-oriented but tailored towards those who are getting started with the game and simracing (Starter) and those who are interested in taking a step further (Pro). So the Pro pack contains cars and tracks from different series and "themes" and you see some overlaps with themed packs. Also the Pro pack is very outdated and doesn't properly serve its purpose anymore.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Dimitar Yankov

    Dimitar Yankov Member

    Sep 13, 2024
    +5 / 0 / -0
    I agree. Maybe legendary pack is perfectly fine, but the Pro pack overlaps quite badly with it.

    Maybe removing Group 5 from Pro pack and replace it with GT4 pack (excluding McLaren which you can find in On the Edge Pack, and brand new BMW GT4 which you can find in BMW 2024 pack.

    Also removing some overlapping tracks in Pro pack and swapping them with tracks like Brno, Donington, Interlagos, Assen, Scandinavian Raceway will make it more attractive for customers similar to my situation.

    Last but not least BMW Z4, McLaren 650s GT3 are probably great cars for thier time, but there are no GT3 fan out there that will ever bother to race them, other than just a few races in single player. Both cars are more towards the Legendary pack, than be part of the Pro pack.

    Maybe it's good BMW Z4 GT3 to be removed or swap with Porsche 911.2 Cup 2019. McLaren 650s be swapped with McLaren 720s (maybe after DTM2024 is released) so it's no longer the least McLaren GT3. Probably swapping Audi R8 GT3 with the Audi R8 GT3 Evo is also a good idea, having in mind that is also no the latest GT3 from Audi, coz we have Evo II, if that is the idea behind the pack. Maybe also swapping WTCR 2018 with WTCR 2019 so having a good upgrade path from drivers pack, same as the Mercedes 190E which is also part of both packs, and Lotus GT4.

    Of cause with all in mind that the price is adjusted accordingly up/down depending from the removed/added content.

    At the end, it's just my opinion about it, but the point of this pack is to be bought/selling and be useful for the customers in a way, not giving you all but enough almost modern cars and good addition of new tracks.

    If everyone thinks it's heavily outdated, maybe it's about time and it's good to see some changes in the near future in it, so customers buy it and be happy.

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2024
  4. Vale

    Vale Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2019
    +294 / 0 / -0
    The Pro pack needs an update, You drop 50 euros and still can´t race on the majority of ranked servers as you don´t have any recent gen cars.....
  5. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +431 / 0 / -0
    My point was that there's nothing wrong in that they overlap because they aren't supposed to be "building blocks" that cover the whole game content like a jigsaw puzzle. These are selections of certain content with a discount added to them, not DLCs like in traditionally monetized games where you buy them all and that's how you get all the content.

    I called it outdated (just like many people do too for a few years already) only because it was supposed to be a step up from Starter, but it only has content upto 2018. The pack was probably fine in 2018-2020, but not in 2024 where it can't serve its original purpose because it's missing a lot of content from 2019 onward. This is what should be fixed - it should get more relevant, current content, but overlaps with themed packs like Legends experience are fine.
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    Last edited: Oct 21, 2024