Bug Racers disappear in multiplayer servers

Discussion in 'Community Support' started by Bitfulmind, Dec 27, 2024.

  1. Bitfulmind

    Bitfulmind New Member

    Dec 28, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Since yesterday, I have been seeing this weird behavior. Practice and Qualifying are good. Then, I enter the Race session and one of the following three things have happened so far:
    • I join and start the race normally. Then, all of a sudden, everybody disappear and I finish the race on an empty track. After the race, I have a position on the final standings and I get (or lose) ranking points on my driver's profile.
    • I join and start the race normally. Then, all of a sudden, everybody disappear and I finish the race on an empty track. After the race, I have a position on the final standings but the exp and reputation points are subtracted from my driver's profile because my race is recorded as DNS.
    • I join the race but nobody else appears on the grid. I am alone. I start and finish the race normally. After the race, I have a position on the final standings but the exp points are subtracted from my driver's profile because my race is recorded as DNS.
    My current status:
    • I am based in Belgium.
    • I checked the integrity of the files on Steams, and they are all validated.
    • I uninstalled and reinstalled.
    • My connection speed is 897 Mbps download / 47 Mbps upload.
    • This happens whether I join a server with a ping less than 40 ms or above 100 ms.
    • The only thing that changed since last time it worked just fine is the track rotation. It just started with the new rotation. Coincidence?
    I know the above sounds like I need therapy as I see things appearing and disappearing but this is becoming frustrating and I am losing patience. I like RRR but I do not like wasting the little time I have to simracing troubleshooting bugs.
  2. Muca

    Muca Active Member

    Mar 31, 2016
    +27 / 0 / -0
    It is almost certain your internet connection. The internet speed is basically not important for online gaming unless it is extremely slow. What your speed test won't show you is your packet loss.
    Easiest way to test packet loss: https://packetlosstest.com/ Increase the duration to at least 1 Minute and let it run.
  3. Bitfulmind

    Bitfulmind New Member

    Dec 28, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Done, thank you. My connection is the most reliable thing I have when it comes to online gaming. In fact, I got 0% packet loss. In the meantime, the problem was solved by renaming the simbin folder and running the integrity check. Or at least, it started to work again after doing that.
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