It really is very annoying and tiring to enter a ranked room and people keep hitting you until you are disqualified and lose more than 3 reputation points I entered a KTM race in ranked just now and pretty much just got a crash, light touches on the rear, and one guy in particular called neuman who made me spin and get disqualified.... after I passed him REPUTATION SYSTEM IS OUTDATED AND MAKES NO SENSE... How can someone who is running right... be disqualified because they hit you? How crazy... how unrealistic this is. Reputation system is flawed, the formula does not portray the reality of what you did on the track, nor your performance, it's just there to say that you crossed the limit of the track a few times... or had an accident even if you didn't have guilt... and serves to make you lose points. I'm really really disappointed with this...
The problem is precisely that incident points are given on the assumption that both racers are equally to blame for the collision. This is not the case in reality. We will never get a real jury for these quick online races in any game, but one immediate suggestion for improvement comes to mind. The driver behind is more responsible because he is the one who gets more information about his opponent before taking a risk. If there is a crash as a result of an overtaking attempt, it is better to punish the driver behind more. The driver in front should be punished even more when he defends his position by blocking (Weaving on straights = Slow down penalty + Incident points). This should not be too difficult to program into the game.
Not at all what happens. Incident points dont assume anything, certainly not blame on either or both parties, they merely inform you that youve been involved in an incident
Ranked races are to big to control these after an race But for an competition orgnanized by ourself it should be great if there is an incident report easy to download from somewhere Now whe get it from and copy it to excell, than filtering on the name of accidents like car to car collision, losing control of the vehicle Than we have information to look quicker on the replay to the incidents
If it would be easy we would have it. Just look at Gran Turismo or F1 games. They have an automated system to give blame to a driver....and it fails miserably! It basically rolls a dice and gives a penalty to a random person. Absolute garbage. The shared fault system is way more fair than the pure randomness. Also titles like iracing use this kind of system as well. Sure, things are not perfect and can be improved, but still better than having a system that we would even more complain about after it gives us random penalties.
The game noticed several incidents, like off track, car to car, invalid laps. What if it is possible to select these things to watch For example, i can choose car to car collisison in the replay, it shows me al the car to car collisions after each other. After stewarding wil be a lot easyer i think
Hello everyone, I have a question and I hope you can answer it . Today I had a very good multiplayer race with a lot of good drivers . I fight for p3 and the car behind me pushed a lot . We have 3 or 4 situation , where the car behind me was a little bit to late on the brake and he knock a bit in my rear . From my point of view normal racing . What I didn’t understand , I get some incident points for this ,but I really don’t know why . It wasn’t my fault , it was my corner and I was on the line . I hope anybody had the same problem in the past an can answer it. thanks a lot and have a good day Br Marco
It is very difficult for the server to know whos fault it was, would need some kind of very smart AI I guess. So you get 4 incident points and the other driver does also, no matter whos fault it was. Some times if the knock is very small there is not given incident points. Read about them here:
Well... I know devs have enough work but, with all those AI's out there, smarter every day. Maybe its time to implement IA as stewards.
To Forum Admins: Deleting threads is not the best solution. You could have moved the thread to another topic. But thats how customers are treated. Will keep this in mind. Thx for nothing And no I don't have saved the Text and don't will write it a second time in onother topic.
@Andi: I opened a separate thread to ask for improvement of the reputation system. I was kicked within 1 week 2 times from behind out of track so hard that I lost my engine. Race end and two times from 95% to 86% repution. Was not my fault. My question was to get some effort in developing another crash detection. But this thread was deleted by admins or whom ever.
No Problem. Was not here. Had an own Thread title. I only posted here to get some reaction from admin.
You can find some info here:
This is all info that we as players know about Reputation so far:
Nice thx. Now Every contact with cars add penalty to all included cars in anny situation. Can You make that some obviously hazard be added penalties only to car that cause the incident ( eg: driving in a wrong way, parking on the track more than 5 sec. driving reverse on the track and cause colision, hitting from the back on the midle of the track). It will save driver from troublemakers.
Usually when someone suggest exceptions to the current shared blame system, the answer is always "no, we tried many different rules and they all can be exploited". Parking on the track I heard is already addressed and your car should become ghosted (not sure if it's also visibly ghosted or only collisions are disabled). Hitting a car in front of you is exploitable, the driver can brake check you and won't get penalized. But things like driving the wrong way or reversing I think can be added safely. Although I don't expect anything to change, honestly. I don't remember a single time a developer said anything about incident points system or reputation, only beta testers sometimes take part in these discussions.