By popular demand I've compiled the charts below. The adjustments are in order of what you should consider changing first. Make sure to pay close attention to when the handling behaviour you're working to rectify happens during the corner. Incorrectly identifying when the behaviour starts will lead you down a blind alley.
Great work, thanks. It clears my confusion about slow-rebound dampers - high value will decrease the load on the rebound wheel. Less load=less grip
Very useful, thank you Alex! But wouldn´t some cars like the P911 GT3 Cup always understeer no matter what you do setupwise and the only cure would be to use less speed into and through the corner?
But then how would I know if it is speed-induced understeering (to be solved by less speed) or setup-induced understeering that could be solved with a different setup? Especially if there is no other car in that class that could show the correct cornering speed? Or in other words: the 911 GT3 Cup may not be understeering at all, it is just too fast corner-entry speed?
You can massively reduce understeer on that car by keeping weight on the front wheels whilst in the corner entry phase by trail braking, keep some brake on until you are at the apex. If you come off the brakes early or try and get on the gas too soon you unweight the front tyres and in that car understeer is guaranteed. Sometimes it's not setup or speed at fault, it's what you are actually doing with your feet.
Just to make it clear, this is for rear wheel drive cars only? Or both? And could you make a chart like this for tire temps? How to raise temps in general or how to balance differences between left and right side of an axle? And many thanks btw!
If you look carefully you'll see the FWD/RWD specific items have (RWD) or (FWD) written next to them. Thread already here about adjusting tyre pressures.
This reminds me of the "engineer" concept in Pcars, where the software would offer a quick wizard that ask the user a few questions (similar to your charts) and perform the changes on the setup. It was one feature that truly made Pcars stand out from the crowd. Perhaps, something to implement in RRE since Pcars is no longer around.