I have identical AOC 27" triple screens. About half of my two side screens are black for almost a third of the screen, the third closest to the far edge. I have checked everywhere online for the correct settings for triple screen in RR3 and believe they are all correct but I can't make the game utilize all the side screen real estate. I don't have this issue with any other game. I have an RTX 2060 Nvidia card. I believe all the settings on the card are correct too. Anyone have a solution or the same problem?
Hi as far as my experiences are you must use NVIDIA's Surround function. In game you then have the possibilty to set your aspect ratio to 48:x with resolution of what you receive from NVIDIA's surround funtion. If the monitors are identical you should have 3*native width X height. If you want to change your right and left view angel, you can edit *.ini (*-xml) file to adjust different angles. But after that, don't adjust ingame because then the angles will be resetted to that adjustment you did here.
Thanks for the response. My Nvidia card has Surround checked. My aspect ratio is 48 X 9.. My screen angle is 48° (inside measurement). Are you saying that adjusting the angle in-game is not sufficient? Or should I set the angle to the outside measurement 132°? Just not sure why I would need to edit the .ini. file rather than set the angle in-game. How might that help? Everything looks good on the screen at my present settings, it's just that the picture fades to black halfway down the side screens. It doesn't just cut off to black, it fades. Maybe that's the way it is but I doubt it. Thanks again.
OK. Then I misunderstood you request. Do you have a screenschot? I can't imagine what exactely your problem or requste is about? Else I have no further suggestion for you.
Sorry for the late response. Yes it is checked. Do you have triple screens? If so, does RRE3 fill your entire side screens rather than fading to black halfway across the screen?
Yes, I do. Everything works fine here. Maybe you cold post a screenshot with settings and how it looks like. If this is not yet possible, you have to do more posts before.
Preview attachment 20230501_122155.jpg Here is a photo of the left screen. About half the screen is black. Same on the right screen. Center screen is fine. 20230501_122155.jpg 2.8 MB
I always use the cockpit camera. To be honest, I don't know how to change camera views in game but somehow I ended up in chase view last night and the screens had the same problem. Apparently I'm the only person out there who has this problem. I wrote KW Studios and they said be sure Surround is checked in nvidia control panel, which it already is. The signal is reaching all screens but, as you see, not all the image is showing up. Majorly frustrating but thanks for the assistance.
2 wild guesses.... 1. Perhaps seat's moved too much to the back? 2. Do you use Reshade (perhaps caused by vignette)?
You could use my settings. Rename your graphics_options.xml in documents\my games\simbin\Raceroom racing expereince\userdata and put the attached one there. If it's still the same, it shouldn' be a settings issue in RR, then maybe nvidia driver