Drivers who deserves BAN

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von rasaintegralac, 17. Januar 2018.

  1. Tuborg

    Tuborg Well-Known Member

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    Nicknames is not the biggest issue, it's just to easy to change.
  2. Christian G

    Christian G Topological Agitator Beta tester

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    But that's not stopping anyone from creating multiple accounts with different personas either.
    And that's the main problem with trying to ban/block people, there will always be a way to circumvent
    whatever clever system the devs come up with.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. sbtm

    sbtm Well-Known Member

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    sooo... better leave every possibility open instead of making it as difficult and inconvenient as possible for them?
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  4. Tuborg

    Tuborg Well-Known Member

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    No but I don't think it's common at all. I do believe most people think it's enough to pay for one membership.

    Christian sometimes you seem to think: A perfect solution is not possible therefore i prefere to do nothing about it.
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  5. ChatCureuil

    ChatCureuil Well-Known Member

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    The user name can be changed but you're still identified with a unique account id until you rebuy the game. But dirty players mostly play free content. Better is to play on paid content servers and to be in the top 10 lol. Or league races of course where it's the safest place.
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  6. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

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    Dragging the parents into this, Race 07\GTR evo had a pretty thorough vote\kick system, i also know that one group whos servers i raced on for a while could block\ban based on steam name\id, this alone would stop all the little miscreant shits from causing trouble on the servers. RR staff need to steal a bit more of the old code and bring it into this game.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  7. ChatCureuil

    ChatCureuil Well-Known Member

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    S3S also have the ranking system in the drawers, I don't know when it should be released.
  8. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

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    For people like myself who are not really that bothered about ranking this probably wont make much difference, unless it means a server can block you based on your poor ranking, then we might get somewhere.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Xon3

    Xon3 Well-Known Member

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    My bet would be next year. They seem to be counting on SRS buying them time buy the way they talk. So yeah dont count on that.
  10. Christian G

    Christian G Topological Agitator Beta tester

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    +2.411 / 0 / -0
    Hmm, can't remember writing anything like that at all... Must be me getting old. ^^
    Stupid me thought this thread was about banning wreckers, to which I gave my concerns.

    Of course there's several ways of addressing this issue, but from my pov banning is not one of them, for said reasons.
    One possibility is indeed going the iracing way and putting a paywall infront of using the game altogether, but I don't think that'd be a good sollution either. Last time I checked iracing wasn't wanker-free either...
    Or you could moderate all servers, but that's just impracticable.
    I think a well-balanced ranking system that groups people of a certain level/rank/division into the same servers would be the best sollution, basically this:
    Even that won't be 100 % foolproof, but everything else just won't work.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 20. Januar 2018
  11. Tuborg

    Tuborg Well-Known Member

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    4. Februar 2015
    +460 / 0 / -0
    Ok! Maybe that sentence came out wrong. Forget it.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Tuborg

    Tuborg Well-Known Member

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    I rest my case...
    • Funny Funny x 1
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 20. Januar 2018
  13. Karting06

    Karting06 Well-Known Member Beta tester

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    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

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    5. Dezember 2015
    +368 / 0 / -0
    The problem with this although a decent solution is the lack of user base online, an already small userbase would be fragmented even more so to the point of low or very limited user occupancy servers, ending up with too many servers and not enough clients to go around.
    Yeah it is, i wont pay the entrance fee ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Jorgen Wahlby

    Jorgen Wahlby Well-Known Member

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    17. Dezember 2017
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    Let a person use nick names but force the nick name to be attached to the card holder that paid the game. No other information is needed like card number or other vital information. (change the nickname as much as you want)
    It's sad that we have to deal with the "misfits" of simracing but if we are ever gonna get the community to be fairly clean there have to be some sort of agreement between the product maker (in this case S3S) and the klient (you).
    Behave or risk losing the ability to participate in the public servers for a limited period of time. They can still join private servers but if they don't behave there they will get banned as well by the server owners or practice against AI... easy peacy :D
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 21. Januar 2018
  16. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

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    Long time since i raced another game online, but i would have to say the paid for content servers are pretty decent and the community as you call it is one of the cleanest around, probably a bi product of the pricing model and the responsibility, means and maturity that comes with it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. Jorgen Wahlby

    Jorgen Wahlby Well-Known Member

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    17. Dezember 2017
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    To race with drivers that don't behave like "wankers" we could all join paid for content servers... it might work. (Except the rotten eggs that might slip through) Why doesn't S3S make this real :)
    Then we wouldn't need OPEN public servers and better yet the money used for the public servers could go to development of the sim itself... it's a win win situation. S3S makes more money have the possibility to evaluate server and klient behaviour (Anti cheat, connection quality... aso) and we will hopefully have a higher driving standard on the servers we join... sounds a lot like what iRacing do :D
  18. Not Lifting Off

    Not Lifting Off Well-Known Member

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    5. Dezember 2015
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    I think you missed my point, the free servers are exactly that, the game is free to download and play and at the most basic level it introduces you to RR with very limited cars and tracks to which some people who for whatever reason drive\play like arses without a care of the consequences for themselves or others taking part.
    The paid for content, meaning any car\track that isnt free has a different clientele, typically because of the content and its pricing model, dont forget it isnt a typical game costing £30 or £10 when its on offer where any kid can go crying to his\her mummy or daddy oh please, it costs proper money to get a good base in RR meaning the end user is typically or certainly appears a little more mature in the main.
    The paid for game is a thousand times better (more responsible\fairer drivers) than the free, and i would hazard a guess a damn sight better than most if not all of the current one price buy it now racing games with open public servers on the market.

    Opinions, they are like ars...................
  19. Mich Angel

    Mich Angel Well-Known Member

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    16. Februar 2015
    +216 / 0 / -0
    I haven't read many of the post but not all so excuse me if I repeat something here already posted.. or if I way of topic little :p

    One thing that caught my eye was, vote to kick option on servers and here is why that never should be a option ever...
    Dive bomber lets call him "BURT" having fun in server just learning to drive the game first timer..
    And woohoo he's having a ball GTA driving style only style he know, so he is destroying every one's chance of a good race... a vote to kick from some player get started... might work might fail.. bet your but now that "BURT" will start a vote to kick drivers in the race just for the heck of it and that he can..
    "" I mean they tried to kick him so now he think aha! that's how this game is played""...

    You see where this is going right...

    Rule number one in game making NEVER EVER give player control over other players participating in a game, it will be abused you can bet money on that and now you have a new problem every one is gonna start bitching about..
    So no to players Voting for anything in game mechanic it will be abused be shore of it.

    Only way to deal with continues Dive bombers is to make note of name and hope there be some admin control in a close future for both the private and the free servers. Where you can report a user and if there's a lot of report on same driver or video prof of bad behavior on the track and then put in a warning to the driver to behave or get blocked on server say example for a month. Maybe give them a hint that it might be a good thing to practice with Ai first before going online..
    And if continues reckless driving will get that player permanently blocked on the server...

    Always give people a chance to redeem them self, if they don't get the hint well then they made the choice..

    And remember on the free servers there are a lot of new people that might never driven a sim racing game ever before, you can imagine what result that will have...
    ( yeah yeah I know they can practice on their own ) but some just don't do that and you have to respect too..

    I personally just avoid the servers they are in simple as that if I join a server notice oh yeah crash party I just leave, what's the point in me getting upset and angry cause some new bee is smashing up the race..
    ( to point it out, keep your own reality on the ground remember it's a game )
    Why waste time and your energy one someone that might in a couple month or more turn out to be a great sim racer even if he might have started out as a disaster area...

    Don't be to fast to judge others, we all was the new one at some point and we all react different to all situations.
    Respecting that others might not be as your self, they might have different temper and values than you have.
    That will show for good character and take that with you on the track and your races will be a lot more fun even when there are not so good drivers on the track. Drive to finish the race, for if you drive to win then you already lost.
    (There will always be some one better than you and there will always be some one worse than you respect that and your race will be more fun no matter what happen.)

    Lap records don't make you win the race, being consistent is what make you win a race.
    Being consistent is knowing your own limit and not pushing beyond your limit more than you can handle as soon as you go over your limit you risk making mistakes and mistakes don't help you wining a race..

    You all have a good one and see ya on the tracks! :D
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 21. Januar 2018
  20. Tuborg

    Tuborg Well-Known Member

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    4. Februar 2015
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    After 146 996 km most of them in multiplayer (don't drive against AI) I think i can say that i have a lot of experience in multiplayer.

    Yes it's better but not "thousand times".
    Yes most of the "crash kids" are gone but still present is a lot of people who seem to believe they can win the race by taking T1 in 300 km/h. But instead of listing everything some drivers do wrong we could try to find a reason why.

    You are new to sim racing and after that you have been kicked of the track both by the Artificial Idiots and by the real ones on the free content servers, you buy some cars and tracks and enter the multiplayer lobby.

    Know, what advices do you get, how should you behave? What is Ok and what is not? What is the rules?

    You find nothing of this in Raceroom. No it won't solve everything but wouldn't that be a good start?
    • Agree Agree x 1