The future of Raceroom?

Dieses Thema im Forum "General Discussion" wurde erstellt von playlessNamer, 13. September 2018.

  1. stobbs

    stobbs Member

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    The world needs S3TV!
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  2. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

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  3. m.bohlken

    m.bohlken Well-Known Member

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    Thanks @J-F Chardon for the stream... I like the way how the new driver-assists are being handled. Especially the possibility in Mulitplayer to give the control to the possible settings to the Server-Admins.
    Will the selected settings somehow be visible in the Multiplayer-Menu?
  4. Christian G

    Christian G Topological Agitator Beta tester

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    Sadly I don't think they will right away. But with these new options added it becomes more and more obvious that we need a design change (or at least some kind of update) for the server browser which includes information about these settings, otherwise finding the right server will become a trial-and-error scavenger hunt.
  5. GooseCreature

    GooseCreature Well-Known Member

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    'otherwise finding the right server will become a trial-and-error scavenger hunt.'
    You ever been on multiplayer? Trial and error murder hunt, is a more accurate description!
    If your gonna overhaul the Server side UI and settings then add a great big bloody KICK button, prefer an instant tornado button but kick will do for now.
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  6. FormelLMS

    FormelLMS Well-Known Member

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    As for VR I find the Serverlist mostly unreadable.
    Hopefully it's not me and it could be overhauled for the VR Users like the Timing Bar in the last patch, which I really appreciate.
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  7. FeltHλt

    FeltHλt Moderator Beta tester

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    i have bad news for you :p
    with all seriousness, its quite clear to me
  8. Destin65

    Destin65 Active Member

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    My 2 cents on the future of the game. I think it has one if the devs and playerbase want it to.

    And don't let the age of the game discourage you. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is nearly as old as this game and has constantly expanded and evolved too. Matter of fact, they just held an in-game event touting Germany and how, after a few expansions adding in other nations and upgrading graphics/flora/scenery in those newer addons that they were switching to focus on bringing up the original vanilla game nations up to the same standard. So while the event was going on they were going about upgrading the scenery and graphics with the nation of Germany.

    So yeah, games can continue to grow and evolve and still make money despite their age. RaceRoom has already gone through one graphics upgrade in the last couple years right? Cause it looks so much better now than I remember from the early days.

    The cars are looking better and new ones look really nice like the WTCR cars. Newer tracks are looking great. I recently bought Nordschleiffe and I gotta say that the graphics for that track are just phenomenal. Looks about as good as Project Cars' which is a much newer game.

    And yeah, it's fine to try or even buy other racing games too. Helps the whole community get better since a comparative analysis can make for the games getting much better over time. And I don't know about you guys, but I get tired of the yearly release games. Rarely fix anything or add anything new of note, but yet they are released every year without fail as if by automatons. And that's a shame cause a little more time spent on making the game and then fleshing it out to be all that it can be would go much further in making for better gaming overall. But I realize some of those games are tied to sports who want the games out to showcase to the fans in a timely manner, that they have a schedule to keep, and that's fine I guess. Just wish a little more time was allowed is all.
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  9. Racer

    Racer New Member

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    Totally agree. Otherwise they would not have the amount of problems they have.
    Constant lags, a lot of bugs that take years to solve even telling people.
    And small details that do not cost anything to polish them, but as there is not much enthusiasm as they are.
    Anyway, let 's not fool ourselves, because I have read a lot of concern in physics, etc. And the reality is that the key is online multiplayer.
    People are what they want, compete against other players in clean and vibrant races. And this is the key, forget about the rest.
    It is clear that all this is important but within a few minuses that raceroom meets them, we must develop the multiplayer mode.
    While this is not done, it will continue to be a minority game where you enter at any time of the day and practically no one is there.
    And once there are more players and have more money, they can improve the game but, like almost everyone, stretch the agony to get to the last cent and for something else.
    And it's what people want and if they do not look iracing. Or is it the best in physics? In graphics? In optimization? I'm wrong, but I'd say no. You already know what is the best.
    and that's why it's devastating. And what is the solution to have clean and vibrant careers. Well, a system of penalties and seasons in the fridge and even expulsions for monkeys.
    It would be very nice if people were normal and would enjoy being able to live an experience that was not possible before and improve little by little. Enjoy.
    Unfortunately, there is a lot of useless failure and trash and you have to fight them.
    And it is not that I say it, I have heard it on many occasions, some can even be seen on YouTube.
    The fact is that this game if it does not change will continue to be a minotary and each time it will be worse than new.
    What can not be is that they have to do the srs to be able to make races in this game due to the riffraff there is.
    The competition has already solved it. Now there will be two to compete seriously.
    And the only solution is to punish and eradicate the scum monkeys.
    With the amount of circuits and cars that there could be a reference simulator, but there is what there is for this.
    Try to enter the free servers to see what you think. Does anyone believe that a person who tries the game will spend the money seeing what is there ?. A bunch of mentally ill people hitting the whole world and not letting it run. But they do not know the circuit or they are very bad and they put themselves in the middle or they do not stop and they send you home ... Besides, it should not be a matter of time, there must be people who stick hours in the game doing this.
    Fortunately, I do not have any diminution and that's why I do not understand how a human being does something like that if they are. The sadness and bitterness that a person must have to enjoy doing that and lose hours like that.
    In my opinion that kind of people would be better dead. But I do not say it in bad faith but because it would be the best. As this is not possible, it would be good to throw them out of the game and that is how they would do the work.
    A solution so that you do not say that I do not contribute ideas. Need a minimum time to compete in an online circuit. Much simpler than punctuation and so avoid this garbage.
    Once this is done, the number of players will grow as foam.
    If you will not be the biggest fans of the game in the last rampages and monkeys that have not put a cent and instead have finished with the simulator.
    Once tested in the free mode, implement it in payment servers.
    And so they would learn to compete because dirty play is also used by fast and paid people.
    The feeling that gives from the outside is a game that does not stand out in anything and in which the payment people are abandonments of the serious, people who do not go and try their luck in this all is allowed. And with some free content for the miserable to enjoy and scare off a possible serious player.
    In short, a ruin. It's good to have to endure the same cockroaches in so many things ... The same ones that are worthless, unhappy losers who hate their lives know they are incapable of doing anything right and spoil the experience to people who he wants to take advantage of something that can only be done recently, forcing him to leave it because it is not worth it. But where have we arrived? Also here?. It is already good that a few pieces of meat always annoy most good people. Total extermination of these inferior beings, since you can not really at least in the game.
    And so we will all be happy ...... Of course there are extraordinary people, but few.
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  10. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member

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    No more words from me.
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  11. deceda

    deceda New Member

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  12. NL-Jos

    NL-Jos Well-Known Member

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    Your message could have completely different if you put some smiley's between some lines.
  13. Skybird

    Skybird Well-Known Member

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    Other forums I attend would issue a warning for some of what was said above, and in case of repeated offence: ban the author. Nor would I have let some of that phrasing slipping through when I moderated a forum years ago.
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  14. n01sname

    n01sname Well-Known Member

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    Well I'm a bit disappointed that after digging through that long written construct, the actual message remains short enough to be put in one sentence :
    "Behold ! Killeth all inferior beings who dare to disturb and distort my personal racing experience or you will feel the wrath of G.....uhm ....Racer !"
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  15. CheerfullyInsane

    CheerfullyInsane Well-Known Member

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    Not to mention that the entire premise is wrong.
    Pick any sim you want (iRacing aside), and the vast majority of players will be doing single-player.
    Something like 70% of people who purchase a racing-sim, will never set foot in an online lobby.
    All kinds of different reasons for this; Not feeling competitive enough, lack of time, or just plain don't want to.
    Hell, I've been at this a while with just about every sim there is, and I'm still doing 95% single-player.
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  16. Robert Wiesenmüller

    Robert Wiesenmüller Esports / Events

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    On RaceRoom it's quite equal but the most played mode is Multiplayer.
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  17. Xon3

    Xon3 Well-Known Member

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    Also "most people" (very sceptical about this though) play single player because most sims don't offer a proper "drop in" multiplayer system..... like iracing (you just can't leave them aside when talking about multiplayer).
    Most sims rely on leagues and stuff like SRS for the online racing. It can only get you so far this way.
  18. RoccoTTS

    RoccoTTS Well-Known Member

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    I only play single player. Mostly single events, leaderboard challenges and competitions.

    @Robert Wiesenmüller Does Multiplayer mode include competions ?
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  19. Robert Wiesenmüller

    Robert Wiesenmüller Esports / Events

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    9. Juni 2015
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    No... Competitions are just leaderboard for most players and I guess that's kinda single player. There are plenty of ways to calculate it, playtime, how often it is launched, amount of players, and everything will lead to slightly different results :) But that's not so important. Fact is: We have both players who enjoy multiplayer and single player. And I think for both groups, the future will bring some good things.

    Another comment: We know that simracing can get a bit emotional, but wishing death to other players? That is a bit extreme. Easy please :)
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  20. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

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    I have to say I'm very surprised that the multiplayer split is so high seeing that whenever I go online the lobbies are relatively empty. I mainly play single-player as I just don't have the free time to dedicate to league racing and public servers are either empty or not on a track car combo that I like.

    Regarding the weird post, I'm hoping that the obvious language barrier has led to a loss in translation, otherwise some of what was said was deplorable.

    Long live raceroom
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