Built-in radar?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Maskerader, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. yoori

    yoori Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
    +103 / 0 / -0
    This is a free to play game there will always be driver finding this game browsing through stem F2P games, like I did.
    There will be many thinking it's just like NFS or Forza or whatever and you can play with a keyboard. Pushing someone off the road is a tactic not a crime.

    There is a lot of knowledge in the forum. Posts by Alex for example about setup, how the track limits are handled.
    This could be available in-game. The entire interface is web based so it should be fairly easy to embed some videos, perhaps made with for youtube content creators on setup and driving etiquette.
    An intro could be placed first time someone launches multiplayer with some cardinal rules, etc.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +373 / 0 / -0
    Uhm, it's not like you can't... :D But I agree R3E is different from arcade games and it might be good to have an introduction that sets the tone and outlines basic rules/approach.
  3. Munty

    Munty New Member

    Jul 18, 2020
    +4 / 0 / -0
    Just adding my two penneth as it would be a shame for this thread to die off.

    I've been looking round for a radar for RR for a couple of days, the only decent offerings I can find want me to pay monthly subscriptions which I absolutely hate in principle. Especially when you think people make things like Crew Chief out of kindness and a love for the game.

    I could write the code for a simple radar, it's hardly complicated, it's only working on a few vectors. I lack the knowhow of capturing window handles and the graphics drawing process for a real time overlay. I'd be happy to work with someone if they could add that bit.
  4. yoori

    yoori Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
    +103 / 0 / -0
    OtterHud has a radar and is 100% free and awesome
  5. yoori

    yoori Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2017
    +103 / 0 / -0
    My answer was to Munty, who wants to develop one cause he couldn't find it.
  6. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +373 / 0 / -0
    Oh, sorry. Completely missed that.
  7. CaptainCoffee

    CaptainCoffee Esports Manager Beta tester

    Oct 11, 2020
    +222 / 0 / -0
    But otterhud has one? You can even disable all the other things in otterhudand just use it for the radar?
  8. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +373 / 0 / -0
    Another option for a radar is to make it in Simhub like this:
  9. PanVlk

    PanVlk Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2019
    +47 / 0 / -0
    How is it possible to research radar for R3E for several days and not stumble upon OtterHUD?:). In all seriousness, even if you wouldn't want OtterHUD (which is great), there will be plenty of free radar widgets for simhub.
  10. Whipdiddywhip

    Whipdiddywhip Member

    Aug 20, 2017
    +18 / 0 / -0
    i completely agree with op

    a radar and spotter should be in every game natively in 2021,

    "download x third party mod" is not a valid excuse, 90% of players have no idea they exist and would simply never care enough to hunt for them, it's so obvious when someone is using the default hud because they have zero idea if someone is along side them a lot of the time,
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2017
    +92 / 0 / -0
    Adjust the OtterHUD settings to "low" and your FPS won't tank.
  12. nickh158

    nickh158 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    +69 / 0 / -0
    Also, for users like me with older PCs Otterhud is unusable due to the massive drop in framerate.
  13. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Apr 15, 2018
    +873 / 0 / -0
    Really? I'm on an i5 3470 with a 1050ti and otterhud is ok for me. What FPS do you get with and without otterhud?
  14. nickh158

    nickh158 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2015
    +69 / 0 / -0
    I can`t remember, I only used it a couple of times.
    I don`t use any HUD at all - immersion etc.- I just run Crew Chief and then about 5 laps into a race start complaining that my tyres are off and I won`t get to the finish
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. ravey1981

    ravey1981 Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Apr 15, 2018
    +873 / 0 / -0
    So you want a radar but don't want to use a HUD?
  16. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +373 / 0 / -0
    I can understand that. In single player I only have a Motec display on. In multiplayer I also add a rear view mirror - if there was a radar I'd have it too. That's basically all I need.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. sampopel

    sampopel Member

    Apr 5, 2020
    +5 / 0 / -0
    I agree that a built-in radar, which can be optionally turned on/off, should be a given in any racing sim.

    AMS2 added one recently and it makes a big difference.

    You shouldn't have to seek out, install and work out how to use a 3rd party app for something so fundamental. I prefer to avoid 3rd party apps because of risk of malware or other system problems.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2023