This is the full-length video of @Georg Ortner racing the WTCC 2014 cars around Suzuka, showing off a lot of new Features as listed below. New Transmission Model This feature has been developed in close relationship with the engineers from the RML Group. The exchange of data and expertise has proven of great value for nailing a realistic recreation of the whole engine/transmission interaction. The New Transmission Model simulates the drivetrain elasticity, which will not only result in a more realistic driving behavior but also in much more natural and organic sounds. All cars currently available have been updated with this new feature. New AI Big improvements have been made to the way the AI applies Brake & Throttle, which results in a much smoother behavior of the AI opponents. As a result we have managed to eliminate the twitchy driving and flickering brake lights. Improved Sounds Taking the physics data of the suspension and chassis, we have added various Sound FX to further improve the audio experience . This includes Chassis Rattle & Suspension Squeeks. Furthermore we have vastly increased the number of samples used for the Backfires (200!), and completely rewritten the Rev Limiter code, which gives us much more realistic results. You can now adjust the volume for all these new sounds, as well as some old ones such as "wind" and "transmission whine" in the settings.
Cant wait - you guys had easily the best sound already in any sim and now this will be amazing. The drivetrain mod should be help alot. Driveline wind up actually helps traction a bit.
Despite Raceroom has a lot developed yet, I dare to say... It's just the best racing game among others nowadays. It has shown an amazing potential and a lot to give overtime. Even more the developers are in touch with the users and keep us updated of their progress... Congrats Team!!!
Quick question: will we be able to set race distance by laps in the coming patch? (as used by the WTCC) It's a basic and essential setting that I feel is long overdue and is required to run authentic WTCC races.
Very much looking forward to this update .. so many cool new things .. Surprised that no one has picked up on 'Suspension Squeek' ... should be Squeak .. Yeah, .. we need to be able to set number of Laps, .. and not Time, .. for Races. Pretty sure it was an option last year, .. i.e. Laps or Time. Not sure why it was removed .. Thanks S3 .. Cheers Tom
I can't get enough of that R3E sound! Big congratulations to the team. I think it was something that I took for granted, but having spent some time recently with a discounted title in the competition (*cough* AC *cough* *cough*), I've quickly got my priorities straight. Thanks @Anthony Monteil and everyone, can't wait to get my hands on the new transmission model!
I tried RRE to fill the gap between getting my new wheel and the release of pCars. Eventually I like RRE more and this update looks really good. Keep it up!
Just a little preview on the Youtube channel of P1TV. The guy in the video says, that the WTCC 2014 with Shanghai and Macao will be released next week.