was running on a ranked server and was knocked out of the race by ping and lost more than 8 trust points 07/12/2023 - 12:06:17 #20 #21 -1 3 22 -27,437 -8,417 1509,617 76,758 that's not fair could have my score to go back?
sure but when your server has no one playing its either try or dont play. the fact that other people can wreck peoples races crashing and for just disconnecting you get a far bigger loss for it. im not sure how disconnecting from ping warrants a 18 decrease but crashin gives you plus 1
1) A disconnect is treated as rage quit because there's no way to reliably tell one from another if people start to exploit it (like dropping your connection to pretend you had a disconnect). 2) In your first 20 races your reputation and rating gains/losses are doubled. 3) People suggested various adjustments to the system to make disconnects hurt your reputation less, but I'm not sure anything will be done, we probably have more chances to get a reconnect feature...