App R3E Reality GT - Multiplayer Broadcast Overlay

Discussion in 'Community Workshop' started by Scout, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Sep 3, 2018
    +370 / 0 / -0
    Version 1.9.4 Released

    "And on the 170th day, Scout rose again to deliver a new overlay version"


    Full Changelog
    • [Feature] Added new sponsors logo element to standings tower (instructions below)
    • [Feature] Added new BMW logo.
    • [Feature] Updated r3e data file to include all new cars.
    • [Feature] TV Safe Zones.
    • [Feature] Driver info UI improvements.
    • [Feature] Standings tower UI improvements.
    • [Feature] Alerts UI improvements.
    • [Feature] Session info UI improvements.
    • [Feature] Compare driver info UI improvements.
    • [Sector3] Improved rendering speed of images.
    • [Feature] Update with new class colours.
    • [Feature] Update with new tracks.
    • [Raceroom] Added Cupra E esport theme.
    Changing Sponsors Tower Logo
    This can be changed per theme by changing the path to the file using the `sponsorLogo` variable in any theme file. By default the logos are found in `public\img\sponsors`. The image dimensions should be 300x80px. You can use any image format like .PNG, .GIF, .JPG etc.

    Enjoy, Scout.
    • Love it! Love it! x 3
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. NL-Jos

    NL-Jos Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    +183 / 0 / -0
    Pssst, @Scout
    You misses my question :(
  3. Roman TRT

    Roman TRT Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2015
    +77 / 0 / -0
  4. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Sep 3, 2018
    +370 / 0 / -0
    Just fixed it locally so when the sponsor logo is disabled, the tower fills the space.

    I didn't miss it, i just don't understand it.
  5. NL-Jos

    NL-Jos Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    +183 / 0 / -0
    Sorry for that, my english is not that good
    Second change :cool:

    Okay, then I'll try to explain it via google translate
    With your system you can select a regular driver who will then be followed throughout the race. Is it an option to be able to select a position in addition to this option.
    For example, I want to continuously see who rides in 5th place, regardless of who rides in that place.
    The reason this is desirable has to do with streaming a race by perhaps several people.
    This allows you to divide the grid and perhaps in a way that all participants can be properly portrayed
  6. NicoCL68

    NicoCL68 Member

    Nov 23, 2020
    +21 / 0 / -0
    Hi, this is an awesome work.
    I only find one concern. It is possible to replay somehow ?
    Even using external apps ?
  7. Greg Metcalf

    Greg Metcalf New Member

    Mar 5, 2016
    +3 / 0 / -0
    Record it with something like obs or stream to YouTube
  8. NicoCL68

    NicoCL68 Member

    Nov 23, 2020
    +21 / 0 / -0
    I found some problems with the new tracks. The session widget don't display the flag and others have similar problems, maybe because the tracks are new and their codes are unknow.

    Any help ?
  9. Mike Rofon

    Mike Rofon New Member

    Sep 23, 2020
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Happy New Year @Scout and @ all other :)

    At the moment I'm trying to build my own layout from an existing layout.
    What I noticed is that there are options to display the number of pit stops and whether a pit stop has been completed or not yet. But in the control software (localhost: 9090) I can't find a way to turn it on or off. How does it work?

    Is there a way to read the JSON data stream and save it locally? Then I could use external overlays that I already use elsewhere (corporate identity)

    The JSON data provide much more information than what R3E Reality shows. If I want to tinker with additional information that can be activated ... how do I do it best without losing the programming with the next update of R3E Reality?

    Thanks for your help.
  10. EchoKilo97

    EchoKilo97 New Member

    Mar 29, 2017
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Truly Amazing tool Scout, really impressed.

    Is it currently possible to show DRS (currently in use and # of activations) and PTP (currently in use and # of activations) in the standings on the right.

    Also pit counter in the director tool isn't working. Is there any hope of getting that fixed?

    Many thanks if anyone knows anything
  11. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Sep 3, 2018
    +370 / 0 / -0
    Version 1.9.5 Released

    Hello folks, here is the latest update.

    A huge thank you to @mape who is responsible for a bunch of really cool new features. :eek::)

    Main Updates

    Added ability to give a driver a warning (through chat) and penalty integration with local dedicated server.

    Added new dashboard page to see interesting info for commentators.

    Added new overview page that makes it easier to commentate/let viewers know interesting facts.

    Added new cameras (Action/Heli/Static) + changed "trackside" to "tv" in classic broadcast dashboard.

    XML/JSON export of the current race state. Useful if you want to integrate with external overlay tools or feed to website/external service

    Full Changelog
    • [Sector3] Added ability to give a driver a warning (through chat) and penalty integration with local dedicated server.
    • [Sector3] Added new dashboard page to see interesting info for commentators.
    • [Sector3] Added new overview page that makes it easier to commentate/let viewers know interesting facts.
    • [Sector3] Added new cameras (Action/Heli/Static) + changed "trackside" to "tv" in classic broadcast dashboard.
    • [Sector3] Added XML/JSON export of the current race state. (Useful if you want to integrate with external overlay tools or feed to website/external service).
    • [Bug Fix] When the sponsor logo is disabled, the standings tower now fills the empty space.
    • [Feature] Updated with new tracks.
    Download link is in the original post.

    • Love it! Love it! x 1
  12. EchoKilo97

    EchoKilo97 New Member

    Mar 29, 2017
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Tried downloading just now and start.bat won't run. It gets to what's on the shot there and then automatically closes. I've tried doing this with the game open and the game closed. It gets to the same point each time. upload_2021-1-30_12-10-31.png
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Sep 3, 2018
    +370 / 0 / -0
    Hi @EchoKilo97 - I think a new node module didn't make it into the uploaded zip file.

    In the mean time you can run the below in a terminal/command prompt window in the folder and it should work until I have time to upload a new version.

    npm install excel4node
  14. EchoKilo97

    EchoKilo97 New Member

    Mar 29, 2017
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Cheers @Scout that method works :)
  15. CaptainCoffee

    CaptainCoffee Esports Manager Beta tester

    Oct 11, 2020
    +231 / 0 / -0
    Really awesome work guys, thank you both!
  16. J.Simonds

    J.Simonds Member

    May 7, 2020
    +18 / 0 / -0
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
  17. Mike Rofon

    Mike Rofon New Member

    Sep 23, 2020
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Hi @Scout !
    On first view... and on 2nd and 3rd too :) it looks VEEEERY interesting, and after the node patch it works good so far.
    It would have been helpful if you had written that you should only execute this command at the DOS prompt after you have navigated to the directory of the overlay system. But now is ok.

    I created my own theme for the overlays and made various adjustments in various widgets. Colors, positions, styles, etc.
    so what changes have been made to the widgets files, or can I simply copy the files I have changed into the corresponding folder from version 1.9.5?

    THX in Advance
  18. Scout

    Scout Well-Known Member Beta tester

    Sep 3, 2018
    +370 / 0 / -0
    Hi guys,

    Back home again and I have just fixed the issue with the missing node module. I updated the original thread with a new download link. Here it is too for convenience - Download.

    I don't think the theme files were touched at all. As far as I know, only the standings tower (\widgets\multiclassStandings\multiclassStandings.jsx) was updated to fix the bug in the changleog.

  19. Mike Rofon

    Mike Rofon New Member

    Sep 23, 2020
    +1 / 0 / -0
    i've also changed some other files like
    compareRace.flat.less, eventifo.flat.less, focusedDriver.flat.less, logoOverlay.flat.less, multiclassStandings.flat.less, raceResults.flat.less ...
    I have created a german language file and change the value in settings.js
    The only thing that cannot find again is the setting for the standard theme, where is this setting made? On start the theme "raceroom-base" will be loaded.
    > Loaded Default Theme: raceroom-base

    And what happens HERE:
    (node:9664) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1)
    (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
    (node:9664) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
    19:43:24 Connected ::ffff:
    Joined controller
  20. Mike Rofon

    Mike Rofon New Member

    Sep 23, 2020
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Hi @Scout

    one more question...
    I have another software for Raceroom overlays here, and in this software I can see that there is a lot more data available for overlays than you are using in your current overlay system.
    How can I use such data?