App Raceroom Commander

Discussion in 'Community Workshop' started by Koenvh, May 6, 2020.

  1. IcyMind

    IcyMind New Member

    Jun 14, 2020
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yes , I confirm the server is up, and commander is on the same server
  2. Koenvh

    Koenvh Member

    Feb 3, 2020
    +8 / 0 / -0
    So basically what happens is that it asks the server for information, and the server replies with an empty response. You don't happen to have some web login set up, do you?
  3. Koenvh

    Koenvh Member

    Feb 3, 2020
    +8 / 0 / -0
    There's a new version, 1.1.0, available now. The main change is that you can exclude sessions in your incident point rules. That means you can have different rules for race 2 and race 1.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    hello, we are trying to set up rrc on our server and get this error message.
    simplejson.errors.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
    [1560] Failed to execute script rrcommander

    can you help us solving this issue?

  5. Koenvh

    Koenvh Member

    Feb 3, 2020
    +8 / 0 / -0
    You have probably not extracted the files correctly, as it looks like the rrcommander.json5 file cannot be found. Or you made a mistake in the rrcommander.json5 file, that's possible too, although you can check that here:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    thank you in advance. we will check the json5 file and see what happens.
  7. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    i have a vague suspicion - can the reason for the problem be, that we have renamed the raceroom commander folder? ("rrcommander clean" in this case)
  8. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    dedi server runs as usual and both on the same machine. But I'm still waiting for our admin to tell me what he's tried already actually. giving up is not an option
  9. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    problem solved, running rrc first and then starting the dedi did it. Thank you for your help.
  10. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    ah forget it, problem still there. we're pretty desperate now. same dedi settings on laptop, rrc works there.:(
  11. Koenvh

    Koenvh Member

    Feb 3, 2020
    +8 / 0 / -0
    There's now an update for those who use the access file - you can now specify a username/password, and thus are able to use Raceroom Commander. If you don't, then there's no reason to update :)
  12. Koenvh

    Koenvh Member

    Feb 3, 2020
    +8 / 0 / -0
    A new update is now available, and I would recommend that you update to it. It adds a confirmation for kick/ban/slowdown/drive-through/stop-and-go/disqualify commands, meaning that if it detects the wrong user, you can rectify it.
  13. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    i'm confused about the json file. Do i have to copy everything and make a different json file for every server listed in our dedi tool? Or which parts exactly do I have to copy&paste when I want to have all our servers in the file? at the moment, it does look like this and I'm not sure if I knew what I was doing when I tried to create this json file...we have 6 servers running.

    "username": "username", // In case you have a username/password set up on your server, enter those details here.
    "password": "pw", // Without them, RRCommander will not be able to connect to your server.
    "servers": [
    // Hafensänger Racing
    "admin_ids": [ // IDs of users that have access to the chat commands like /kick, /ban etc.
    -1, // Server chat
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "minimum_rating": -1, // Minimum rating required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_reputation": -1, // Minimum reputation required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_activity": -1, // Minimum activity score required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "reject_message_rating": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient rating ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient rating joins.
    "reject_message_reputation": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient reputation ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient reputation joins.
    "reject_message_activity": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient activity ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient activity joins.
    "whitelisted_ids": [
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "incidents": [
    "penalty": "drivethrough", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 10, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [40,50], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 2, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 8, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 0, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 1, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 0, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 5, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "exclude_sessions": [0, 256, 513, 514, 515, 770], // Sessions to exclude, for the full list see the README
    "message": "Durchfahrtsstrafe fuer {0} aufgrund von {1} incident point"
    "penalty": "stopandgo", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 5, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [60, 70, 80], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 2, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 8, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 0, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 1, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 0, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 5, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "zusammen reissen, {0}!"
    "penalty": "slowdown", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 3, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [10, 30, 45], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 2, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 8, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 0, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 1, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 0, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 5, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "{0} erhielt eine Verlangsamungsstrafe für das Erhalten von {1} Incident Points"

  14. Koenvh

    Koenvh Member

    Feb 3, 2020
    +8 / 0 / -0
    You see the part under "servers": [? You need one for every server (so in your case 6). So in the case of the example config, that is the part from line 5 up to and including line 74. On line 75 starts server 2, which continues up to and including line 108. The servers are listed in the same order as in the dedicated server web interface.
  15. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    well, I've come a long way now trying to copy-paste stuff...RRC opens and says there is no config for server 6. I tried to use an online json5 editor but still get confused with all these brackets and commas. so where's the error? file is valid

    "username": " ", // In case you have a username/password set up on your server, enter those details here.
    "password": " ", // Without them, RRCommander will not be able to connect to your server.
    "servers": [
    // Server 1
    "admin_ids": [ // IDs of users that have access to the chat commands like /kick, /ban etc.
    -1, // Server chat
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "minimum_rating": -1, // Minimum rating required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_reputation": 80, // Minimum reputation required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_activity": -1, // Minimum activity score required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "reject_message_rating": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient rating ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient rating joins.
    "reject_message_reputation": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient reputation ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient reputation joins.
    "reject_message_activity": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient activity ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient activity joins.
    "whitelisted_ids": [
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "incidents": [
    "penalty": "drivethrough", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 10, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [10, 20], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 4, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 1, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 2, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 1, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 2, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "exclude_sessions": [0, 256, 513, 514, 515, 770], // Sessions to exclude, for the full list see the README
    "message": "Awarded a drive-through penalty to {0} for getting {1} incident points"
    "penalty": "stopandgo", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 10, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 4, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 1, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 2, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 1, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 2, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "Er is een stop-and-go-straf toegekend voor het behalen van {1} incidentpunten aan {0}"
    "penalty": "slowdown", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 3, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [5, 8, 15], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 4, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 1, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 2, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 1, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 2, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "{0} erhielt eine Verlangsamungsstrafe für das Erhalten von {1} Vorfallpunkten"
    // Server 2
    "admin_ids": [ // IDs of users that have access to the chat commands like /kick, /ban etc.
    -1, // Server chat
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "minimum_rating": -1, // Minimum rating required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_reputation": -1, // Minimum reputation required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_activity": -1, // Minimum activity score required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "reject_message_rating": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient rating joins.
    "reject_message_reputation": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient reputation joins.
    "reject_message_activity": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient activity joins.
    "whitelisted_ids": [

    "incidents": [
    "penalty": "slowdown", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 3, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 0, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 0, // Going off track
    "4": 0, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 0, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 0, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 0, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 0 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "Stop crashing {0}!"
    // Server 3
    "admin_ids": [ // IDs of users that have access to the chat commands like /kick, /ban etc.
    -1, // Server chat
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "minimum_rating": -1, // Minimum rating required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_reputation": -1, // Minimum reputation required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_activity": -1, // Minimum activity score required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "reject_message_rating": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient rating joins.
    "reject_message_reputation": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient reputation joins.
    "reject_message_activity": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient activity joins.
    "whitelisted_ids": [

    "incidents": [
    "penalty": "slowdown", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 3, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 0, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 0, // Going off track
    "4": 0, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 0, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 0, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 0, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 0 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "Stop crashing {0}!"
    // Server 4
    "admin_ids": [ // IDs of users that have access to the chat commands like /kick, /ban etc.
    -1, // Server chat
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "minimum_rating": -1, // Minimum rating required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_reputation": -1, // Minimum reputation required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_activity": -1, // Minimum activity score required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "reject_message_rating": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient rating joins.
    "reject_message_reputation": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient reputation joins.
    "reject_message_activity": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient activity joins.
    "whitelisted_ids": [

    "incidents": [
    "penalty": "slowdown", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 3, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 0, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 0, // Going off track
    "4": 0, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 0, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 0, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 0, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 0 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "Stop crashing {0}!"
    // Server 5
    "admin_ids": [ // IDs of users that have access to the chat commands like /kick, /ban etc.
    -1, // Server chat
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "minimum_rating": -1, // Minimum rating required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_reputation": -1, // Minimum reputation required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_activity": -1, // Minimum activity score required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "reject_message_rating": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient rating joins.
    "reject_message_reputation": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient reputation joins.
    "reject_message_activity": "", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient activity joins.
    "whitelisted_ids": [

    "incidents": [
    "penalty": "slowdown", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 3, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 0, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 0, // Going off track
    "4": 0, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 0, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 0, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 0, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 0 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "Stop crashing {0}!"
    // Server 6
    "admin_ids": [ // IDs of users that have access to the chat commands like /kick, /ban etc.
    -1, // Server chat
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "minimum_rating": -1, // Minimum rating required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_reputation": 80, // Minimum reputation required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "minimum_activity": -1, // Minimum activity score required to join the server. Set to -1 to disable.
    "reject_message_rating": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient rating ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient rating joins.
    "reject_message_reputation": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient reputation ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient reputation joins.
    "reject_message_activity": "Kicked {0} due to insufficient activity ({1}/{2})", // Message to broadcast when someone with insufficient activity joins.
    "whitelisted_ids": [
    4816795, // Niko Schrenker
    "incidents": [
    "penalty": "drivethrough", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 10, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [10, 20], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 4, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 1, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 2, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 1, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 2, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "exclude_sessions": [0, 256, 513, 514, 515, 770], // Sessions to exclude, for the full list see the README
    "message": "Awarded a drive-through penalty to {0} for getting {1} incident points"
    "penalty": "stopandgo", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 10, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 4, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 1, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 2, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 1, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 2, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "Er is een stop-and-go-straf toegekend voor het behalen van {1} incidentpunten aan {0}"
    "penalty": "slowdown", // drivethrough, slowdown, stopandgo
    "duration": 3, // In case of slowdown or stopandgo, the duration for the penalty.
    "intervals": [5, 8, 15], // Incident intervals at which someone gets this penalty.
    "types": { // Amount of incident points gained for each incident type
    "0": 4, // Car to car collision
    "1": 2, // Collision with a track object
    "2": 4, // Going the wrong way
    "3": 1, // Going off track
    "4": 1, // Staying stationary on the track
    "5": 2, // Losing control of the vehicle
    "6": 1, // Invalid Lap
    "7": 2, // Not serving a penalty
    "8": 1 // Disconnecting / Giving up before the end of a race
    "message": "{0} erhielt eine Verlangsamungsstrafe für das Erhalten von {1} Vorfallpunkten"

  16. Niko Schrenker

    Niko Schrenker Member

    Dec 13, 2019
    +6 / 0 / -0
    forget it, thanks anyway - lot of fiddling about but i've made it finally. Works fine it seems, very very cool!
  17. Koenvh

    Koenvh Member

    Feb 3, 2020
    +8 / 0 / -0
    A new release (after about a year, but that's mainly because everything just kept running smoothly). This release will:
    • Remove redundant ban list implementation
    • Add configurable default rating/reputation/activity (when a player has not driving multiplayer ranked yet)
    • Fix exception when performing action without any players on the server (i.e. typing things in the admin chat console)
    • Lengthen confirmation time for actions (~30 seconds)

    It's in the same place it always is.
  18. RV_Andy_UK

    RV_Andy_UK New Member

    Feb 16, 2021
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi guys and Koen, we are using Race Commander and it still works well with kicking and banning players, going to next session and restarting etc. we have tried to enable drive through penalties for corner cutting and that functionality doesn’t seem to work. Any suggestion?
  19. RV_Andy_UK

    RV_Andy_UK New Member

    Feb 16, 2021
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I would appear you no longer get incident points for corner cutting, maybe it did in older versions of Raceroom. Now you just get slow down penalties which probably explains why that part of the commander no longer works
  20. Maskerader

    Maskerader Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2019
    +431 / 0 / -0
    In multiplayer, you get incident points for going off track, and then, if the system thinks you gained some time, you also get a slow down.