Hi guys im new to raceroom and am trying to set up my PXN V9 Steering wheel,pedals and shifter. When i enter the control sets i am not seeing my Wheel there just Keyboard and mouse. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Pick keyboard profile, bind all controls (steering, pedals, etc.) and don't forget to turn off Speed sensitive steering in the "Advanced" tab.
Great thank you im am set to go I had to input manually and it came up as keyboard 2 and i just renamed it to PXN V9. Thanks again
Ok just one more thing and im ready to go..i cant seem to get my screen full im have the game in a small box in the middle of the screen. How to i fill my Monitor. This is my Monitor model. Gigabyte G27QC A computer monitor 68.6 cm (27") 2560 x 1440 pixels 2K Ultra HD LED Black