I think, sometimes, I just hope they move all the packs and list it as DLCs on the Steam store. For all of us who had bought the content, maybe S3S could refund all the vRP we spend. Then, we could redeem codes for DLC packs on Steam. Also, the current pricing is misleading, I spend about $100 so far, I own almost all the content in the game so far. It isnt that expensive I used to think as my spending in R3E is just a bit more than pCARS at the moment. Just keep the packs coming, S3S. They are value for money but I would love to see the packs comes in cars only along with a pack with cars and all liveries, like now. And more pack sales too, I managed to convince 2 of my AC/pCARS friends to get into R3E. The store has a lot of issues for me, ranges from slow performance, graphical issues and errors when there are a lot of people buying.
Skybird: Ok, so there must be some other reason. Don't take this personal, but it's always best to start checking the easiest potential sources. But I guess you won't be too keen on helping to find out what's the cause... Well, I can understand your frustration but in reverse try to understand that many users never had any problems with that store or purchasing in general, me being one of those (and we have to purchase a lot). The whole system is build around 2 simple ideas: Being able to buy only the content you actually want and being able to drive what you bought the instant you bought it. And again, there are many users who like these two core features and the way they are achieved.
The bussiness model can be frightening, and was one reason why at first I thought I wasn't gonna get much stuff, but the purchase procedure has kept me buying and buying (after I realised this is my favourite sim) because of it's simplicity. To me it can't be easier; I don't have to use a card, I don't even have to do the math, RaceRoom converts vRPs to dollars and Steam does the same to my currency (wich is going down lately ), and everything in a matter of seconds. I'm sorry you're having that particular issue but I think the shop is actually helping R3E (leaving aside the "bussines model"), I'm an example of it.
No hard feelings at all, don'T worry. The Steam setting cannot play a role anyway since I access the shop via the web browser, and that is no running game application, also the webshop via browser worked until just two weeks ago.
I got that, was just suggesting to try the in-game store instead, and for that to work steam overlays are essential. Sadly I cannot check the public store via web browser, but have you tried different browsers? Seeing that it worked with your tablet (and hence a different browser) I kinda suspect some incompatibility with the browser you've been trying, or maybe its settings.
Yes, I try some other tracks today, and I'm very happy with the AI now. But I think that the options for better AI "for 'aliens'" is not a bad idea. (Or just better Adaptive AI.) Now, I'm going to the store.
OK, nothing too interesting to a spec-series hater such as myself, but I think I should pick up the Radicals and the M1 in readiness for the multi-class feature.
Hey Sean. It does seem that the "Week 3" banner is still showing on the root store page here: http://game.raceroom.com/store/ However, I'm sure the Week 4 sales took effect on Friday, as I checked the prices carefully and saw the 25% discounts. Those are listed on the first post of this thread: https://forum.sector3studios.com/index.php?threads/raceroom-summer-sale.2420/
It don't ever seem (for me anyway) to be able to purchase much content that's on sell. I wish I had more time to save up more funds to be able to buy something. I'm on that 0l' Fixed Income and its hard to buy something like this or Not buy Food instead. Just can't save enough money in time to buy me some Car's & Track's. Ding-Dang-It,,,,,,ah, well just my 0l' luck in life
Just wanted to let the devs know that I still have the green banner on the top of every forum page, telling me that the summer sale week 4 is revealed..
Just wanted to let the devs know that I was not able to purchase nothing during these 4 weeks... because i already had all the stuff!!! When will comes new contents? It should be funny to put my paws on the Nord, Spa... and also some new car, yes I might like