Hi @Yuval Rosen , I'm a bit lost. Overlay appears on my system on Windows desktop & all other open apps but not in R3E. Any hint what I might do wrong? It's still W10-64, with NVIDIA GTX1070. Best, Andi
Oh, thanks a lot - this was quick reply - and you're right. I did not remember this thing as I thought I used R3E from the beginning in full mode. But this solved it - you made my day
@Nuck Chorris Not possible to disable hooking, can you send your logs though? (Click "Show log file" in settings window)
That's a shame, SimHub allows for manual start and close of overlays, auto is an optional thing. Sorry dude, at the moment I stopped using it because of the issues, I ended up binding a hotkey to run a /taskill bat file from my keyboard and every now and then i would kill all instances and then restart just one instance before they built up again from returning to pits. The app recognises each time one returns to the pits as exiting the game. It could be because I have things running as administrator and it didn't like this permission? I use simhub now, I made my own radar in there. I used BCU to uninstall it so there probably isn't any remnants left. But from memory the logs also showed the multiple game connections etc.
Not sure if this is a known bug, but on the relative screen it seems the cars ahead of me are not shown correctly. The cars behind me seem to be correct though.
Re Hud looks great - but I'm having trouble getting it to work. Download/install all fine. However the overlay does not appear. I can only make it appear by clicking 'edit' in the settings menu, at which point all the tick boxes (for radar, p2p, tyres etc) go blue and the overlay appears. If I then click 'save' and the tick boxes go grey the overlay disappears. If I leave the boxes blue (as if continuing to edit) I cannot click in/on the game to proceed to a race or session etc. I am running in Windowed mode, and have the same problems in borderless Windowed too. Any help gratefully received!
Are you running the game in DXVK mode? If yes, you will need to change game resolution, select one that's smaller than Windows resolution. Only then DXVK will be visible.
Many thanks for the advice. Tbh, I'm not sure if it is running in DXVK mode. I haven't had RR very long and just opened it 'as it came' from Steam. I believe there is an 'open with DXVK' option in the Steam menu - so will check that later. The problem I explained in my initial post does also occur if I just try to open ReHud as an overlay on the desktop too. Not sure if that helps or not?
I see. Then it's a different issue than I assumed. Maybe attach your log file. It's in Settings window, top right corner.
@Ian N That's a known issue. The fix is super easy - just relaunch ReHUD. If that doesn't solve it then it's something else, presumably some firewall/permissions issues. Send your logs if possible (click "Show log file" in the settings window).
Every now and then, the ReHUD completely freezes, and then maybe unfreezes, but at that point maybe only shows an update every so often - like laggy. Any idea why this happens and how to prevent it?
I started using this a few days ago. Really pretty laggy. I just use the relative now and it’s not as bad. Still lose about 15-20 fps. I run a 5800x3d 4080FE and 1440 triples.
I have a question about ReHUD's starting lights at the start of a race. Why aren't they showing? at the moment, I don't know how to make them show up, which affects the race, especially in standing starts
There are no starting lights in ReHUD, use in-game ones. Set "In-game overlays" to "Essentials only" and remove "-webhud" startup parameter for the game on Steam.